
Why did Sue Sylvester hate glee?

Why did Sue Sylvester hate glee?

In addition to another answer here, in the very last episode, it was revealed that Sue actually hated the glee club because she was afraid it would replace Cherios as School’s favorite performer.

Why did Glee get canceled?

Glee was already an aging show after its first few seasons, but beyond narrative hiccups and a dwindling audience, the passing of a lead actor may have hastened the show’s end.

Is Glee cheesy?

Ridiculously Cheesy. It is pretty difficult not to gag on the overwhelming cheesiness of the show. Every struggle ends with a heartwarming resolution (or pseudo-resolution) and every conflict is resolved with a duet. Any time the glee club has a dispute, Mr.

Is Becky Sue Sylvester’s daughter?

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There’s Becky, Sue’s sister, and now Sue’s daughter, Robin. By the way Robin Sylvester is really 7th month old Jordyn Kindle Orr! As a father of a child born with Down syndrome I applaud the producers of Glee for the efforts to promote and encourage inclusion, be it ever so slightly.

Is Sue Sylvester evil?

Glee’s main antagonist Sue Sylvester definitely counts as one of the best TV characters ever. She was unapologetic-ally evil, not caring whether she offended the students of the William McKinley High School of her fellow colleagues.

Why was Quinn Fabray not in the quarterback?

The actress was singled out for not appearing in Glee’s tribute episode, “The Quarterback,” which honored both the late actor and his character, Finn Hudson. After the show aired on Oct. 10, some media outlets reported that Agron had skipped the TV reunion due to a rift with her former cast members.

Who is Becky’s boyfriend on Glee?

Justin Prentice
Justin Prentice is introduced as Darrell, the new boyfriend of Becky. The episode features five musical cover versions, three of which are mashups. All featured music is from either Alanis Morissette or Carole King.