
Why did the clones fight the droids?

Why did the clones fight the droids?

Within the Star Wars narrative, the Clone Wars involve a three-year war fought to prevent thousands of planetary systems from seceding from the Galactic Republic and forming the “Confederacy of Independent Systems”, often referred to as “the Separatists”.

Why do droids have personalities in Star Wars?

Why do the battle droids in the Clone Wars have so much personality? – Quora. In-Universe, the reason why they have their generally dim-witted personalities is just a by-product result of flaws in their programming.

What happened to the battle droids after the Clone Wars?

Despite the deactivation of the Separatist Droid Army, its legacy still lived on in battle droids that survived the Clone Wars. After the Clones Wars various Separatist holdouts survived and attempted to fight the Empire. Nevertheless, the Empire ordered all surviving battle droids to shot on sight and melted down.

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How tall is do droid?

The BB-Series droids are about 7 inches wide and 7 inches deep. The R-Series droids are approximately 12.5 inches tall, 8.5 inches wide, and 8 inches deep. Both styles of droids weigh about 3.5 pounds. Once you construct your droid, it will be placed in a hexagon-shaped carrying box.

How heavy is a Droideka?

These parts of the Droideka weight together 62 kg, and they are basically all he needs. Therefore I would say that a Droideka weights around 100 to 120 kg.

Why did B1 battle droids have personalities?

B1 battle droids could exhibit various tones of voice, such as fear, confusion, and excitement. These also were examples of the B1 battle droid’s “personality quirks,” which were the result of programming glitches in the B1 battle droids. B1 battle droids could be destroyed by both blaster bolts and lightsabers.

Do droids have feelings in Star Wars?

The simple answer is: Yes, if they live long enough, with enough memory, they develop feelings. The more complex answer is: Droids off the assembly line are established to only have pure programming. They perform tasks and duties, they follow orders, they act according to strict pre-programmed responses.