
Why didnt Ganondorf destroy the temple?

Why didnt Ganondorf destroy the temple?

When Child Link pulled the Master Sword from the pedestal in the Temple of Time, he became the bridge between the Sacred Realm and Hyrule. To keep him safe and to keep Ganon from reeking too much havoc, Rauru placed him in stasis and kept him in the Sacred Realm until he was old enough.

What happened to the Temple of Time?

The main hall of the Temple of Time, as seen in the past In the Era of Twilight, the Temple of Time has fallen into decay, becoming a complex of unidentifiable ruins still located in the Faron Woods, in an area deep within the Sacred Grove.

Why did the hero of time leave Hyrule?

The princess entrusts Link with the Ocarina of Time to prevent Ganondorf from entering the Sacred Realm, and the young hero then departs from Hyrule with the ocarina in hand to seek his fairy companion, Navi.

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What happened to Ganondorf at the end of Ocarina of Time?

Ganon is defeated and sealed in the Sacred Realm, Link disappears, the Triforce is still split into its component parts. Ganon’s true intentions are now known to the King, Link and Zelda are children, the Triforce is split into its component parts.

Is the sealed temple the Temple of Time?

The Temple of Time, as seen in Ocarina of Time 3D. The Temple of Time, built on the ruins of the Sealed Temple, which was formerly known as the Temple to Hylia, was a sacred temple which survived through many eras in the land of Hyrule. The temple was known as the resting place of the Master Sword.

Is the Temple of Time the Temple of Light?

The Temple of Light became the resting place of the Triforce during the Era of Chaos. It is the only known elemental temple that is not located directly within Hyrule….

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Temple of Light
Main appearance(s) Ocarina of Time A Link Between Worlds
Inhabitant(s) Sages
Related location(s) Chamber of Sages

How do you activate the gate of time?

Ghirahim learns about the second Gate of Time from a drawing in the Fire Sanctuary. To activate it, Link must temper the Goddess Sword into the Master Sword by obtaining the three Sacred Flames hidden in the Faron, Eldin, and Lanayru provinces.

What is the best shield in Skyward Sword?

The Hylian Shield
The Hylian Shield is the best shield in the game. While it can’t be upgraded, it’s also indestructible, and can never be shattered. It also grants Link hardy resistance to fire and electrical attacks.