
Why do people get buried instead of cremated?

Why do people get buried instead of cremated?

In fact, this system has been practiced in Hinduism since time immemorial as it believes that not only does a cremation serve as a means of disposing of the body but also helps the departed soul in its journey into the next world. Ground burial, on the other hand, symbolizes the burial and resurrection of the Christ.

Why do Hindu believe in cremation?

Hindus must work toward freeing themselves from attachments and desires and living a life that will free them from the cycle in order to reach the final stage. Therefore, in Hindu funerals, the role of cremation is to sever the ties of the soul to the body that it is leaving, freeing it to move toward mukti.

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What did Adi Shankaracharya do for Hinduism?

The very fact that Hinduism is still a dynamic and all-encompassing religion stands as ample testimony to the deeds of Adi Shankaracharya. Apart from being the champion of Advaita philosophy, one of his invaluable contributions towards Hinduism was the reordering and restructuring of the ancient Sannyasa order.

Why are children buried without any ceremonies in Hinduism?

Children up to the age of 5 are buried without any ceremonies. The reason being children are considered perfectly pure and innocent and not responsible for their actions i.e. they have not generated any negative Karma. The age of 5 is when they develop a sense of right and wrong and independent volition.

How did Shankaracharya perform last rites for his mother?

To console his mother he promised her that he would come back to her at the time of her death and perform the last rites. Shankaracharya was somewhere in North India when he came to know of his mother’s impending death. By using his Yogic powers, travelled through the air to reach her quickly. At her request, he granted her divine visions.

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Why was Shankaracharya not able to answer questions asked by married women?

Regarding Shankaracharya it is said in at least one case he was not able to answer questions placed by a married woman regarding sex and he was not aware of sexual behaviors because being a Brahmin he was performing vrat of Brahmcharya where a person is supposed to fight back any sexual thoughts arising in mind.