
Why do Polish names end in ska?

Why do Polish names end in ska?

Suffix -ski/-ska The suffix, -ski (feminine: -ska), has been restricted to the nobility in eastern Europe and some parts of central Europe since the High Middle Ages. It was the equivalent to nobiliary particles appearing in the names of nobility, such as in the Germanic von or zu.

Do Polish women take their husbands name?

Yes, they do. Or, I should say, the women I know took their husbands’ names. If a surname ended in ski or cki, the wife used to use the feminine forms, ska or cka, but that isn’t done very much anymore. One has to remember that by Polish law surname of husband and surname of wife is treated as the same!

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What does Kowalski mean in Polish names?

Polish: habitational name for someone from Kowalskie in Poznan voivodeship or a place called Kowale. Polish and Jewish (from Poland): patronymic from Kowal, an occupational name from kowal ‘smith’, with the addition of the common surname suffix -ski.

Is it possible to have a Polish last name with -SKA?

A Polish woman in Poland can also have the -ski ending if her last name is so registered. Although not as common, some men have a last name with a -ska ending as well. Why don’t you get it Americanized to -sky -> very asexual.

Do Polish people have the -ski ending in their names?

In fact, in some countries they actually do. For instance in Russia, Ukraine etc. A Polish woman in Poland can also have the -ski ending if her last name is so registered. If I marry a man with the -ski ending in his name, do I follow in the -ski name or do I become a -ska?

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What are the characteristics of Polish names?

Polish names, have two main elements: the imię, the first name, or given name; and the nazwisko, the last name, surname or family name. The usage of personal names in Poland is generally governed by civil law, church law, personal taste and family custom.

What is the difference between a –ski and a –ska?

Now onto my answer. The endings –ski and –ska have absolutely nothing to do with one’s marital status, but with the gender of the person. So, a –ski IN POLAND is always a male, and a –ska – a female. As I’m sure you’ve noticed I emphasized the “ IN POLAND ” bit, because it is important.