
Why do so many young people listen to rap?

Why do so many young people listen to rap?

The reason that rap music appeals to teenagers is because it is the battle cry of the underdog. To vastly overgeneralize, most rap songs are about a competitor thought to have little chance of winning who seizes the moment and proves his rivals wrong. Teenagers are the ultimate underdog.

Do you like rap music Quora?

Originally Answered: Do you like rap? Yes I love it! Why? Because of the lyrics I would say that it’s really easy for rappers to express their feeling on a rap beat unlike other genres (not saying that other genres can’t be lyrical), hip hip imo is one of the most lyrical genres ever!

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Do dogs like hip hop music?

And while it’s hard to say if dogs enjoy music, it’s not surprising that dogs prefer some tunes over others. It’s disappointing that the study didn’t also measure heavier styles of music, like hip hop or metal, but one study, published in 2012, that insists dogs hate metal. A 2002 study found the same thing.

Are there any good PhD programs for older applicants?

There are many more PhD programs that serve people who want to research, teach, practice (e.g. in the private sector, government of international organizations), or simply learn. My sense is that there are dozens of very good research universities with PhD programs who not only are used to older applicants, but welcome them for these purposes.

Why are so many young people turning to rock music?

Here are five possible reasons: 1. More Involved Parenting. Today’s young people benefited, for the most part, from greater involvement by parents (and step parents) in the rearing of children. In all likelihood, these more involved parents played their music — classic rock —…

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What is the appropriate age range for a PhD student?

At the university where I work, there are no limitations or guidelines on appropriate age ranges for a Ph.D., and I’m sure this is true throught the US since age discrmination would be illegal.

Were the 60s and 70s musicians truly talented?

3. The 60s and 70s Musicians Were Truly Talented. This explanation has been mentioned to me by several millennials. They emphasize the quality of the music of the era, and the fact that most of these rock-and-rollers wrote their own songs and played the instruments.