
Why do strong acids have no ka values?

Why do strong acids have no ka values?

We know this because if you had a strong acid, then the acid would dissociate completely in the reaction and there would be no more reactant left. Therefore, the dissociation constant (products/reactants) would have a zero in the denominator and is undefined. This shows why strong acids don’t have a Ka.

Do strong acids have pKa value?

Strong acids are defined by their pKa. The acid must be stronger in aqueous solution than a hydronium ion, so its pKa must be lower than that of a hydronium ion. Therefore, strong acids have a pKa of <-174.

Why don t strong acids and bases have KA or KB values?

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The only answer which I found to this is that it’s because strong acids and bases virtually completely dissociate, so the dissociation constants would be too large and hence aren’t used.

What is the Ka value for strong acids?

Strong acids completely dissociate in aq solution (Ka > 1, pKa < 1).

What is the primary difference between a strong acid and a weak acid?

Degree of dissociation refers to the amount of solute dissociated into ions. Strong acid is an acid that ionizes completely in aqueous solution. It always loses a proton (H+) when dissolved in water. Weak acid is an acid that ionizes partially in a solution.

Why are some acids stronger than others?

Bond Strength and Acids The bond strength of an acid generally depends on the size of the ‘A’ atom: the smaller the ‘A’ atom, the stronger the H-A bond. When going down a row in the Periodic Table (see figure below), the atoms get larger so the strength of the bonds get weaker, which means the acids get stronger.

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Why are strong acids strong?

Strong acids have mostly ions in solution, therefore the bonds holding H and A together must be weak. Strong acids easily break apart into ions. Weak acids exist mostly as molecules with only a few ions in solution, therefore the bonds holding H and A together must be strong.

What is the difference between a strong acid and a strong base?

Strong acids and bases are 100\% ionized in aqueous solution. Weak acids and bases are less than 100\% ionized in aqueous solution. Salts of weak acids or bases can affect the acidity or basicity of their aqueous solutions.

How does a strong acid differ from a weak acid quizlet?

the difference between a strong acid and a weak acid is in a strong acid,most of the molecules break up into ions in a solution. A weak acid has fewer molecules and they break up into ions. the solution with a pH of 3 has a greater concentration of hydrogen ions.