
Why do transition elements in zero and lower oxidation state form complexes with weak ligands like CO No or PR?

Why do transition elements in zero and lower oxidation state form complexes with weak ligands like CO No or PR?

Why do transition elements in zero, and lower oxidation states Formation of complexes by transition element in zero oxidation states is supported by synergic bond . The M-C sigma bond is formed by the donation of lone pair of electrons on the carbonyl carbon into a vacant orbital of the metal .

Why do transition elements form significant no of complex than others?

Hint: Transition metal ions form coordination complex because they have empty valence-shell orbitals that can accept pairs of electrons from a Lewis base. It forms complexes due to the presence of vacant d orbitals.

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Why transition elements are weak reducing agents?

Transition metals are not electron rich nor show electropositive character, therefore they are regarded as weak reducing agents.

Why does transition metal ions have great tendency to form complexes explain?

Transition metals have a charge equal to its oxidation state which can vary from +1 to +7. (d)Transition metals have partially filled d-orbitals for the bond formation. The d-orbital in total can accommodate 10 electrons which makes it possess a great tendency to form complexes.

Why do transition elements have variable oxidation states?

These elements show variable oxidation state because their valence electrons in two different sets of orbitals, that is (n-1)d and ns. The energy difference between these orbitals is very less, so both the energy levels can be used for bond formation. Thus, transition elements have variable oxidation states.

Why are transition metals variable oxidation states?

They show variable oxidation state because transition metals have (n-1)d orbitals empty that are closer to the outermost ns orbital in energy levels. These orbitals are never fully filled. So, they can always accommodate more electrons in (n-1)d orbitals.

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Why do transition elements exhibit variable oxidation states?

Why transition elements form alloys easily?

(i) The atomic sizes of transition metals are very similar to each other. As the atomic sizes are very similar one metal can replace the other metal from its lattice and form a solid solution which is the alloy. This is the reason why transition metals form homogeneous mixtures with one another in molten state.

Why transition metals and their compounds act as good catalyst?

Answer : Transition metals and their compounds act as good catalysts due to its ability to show variable oxidation state and form complexes, another reason is that they provide a suitable surface for reaction to take place. Eg: Vanadium Oxide in contact process, Finely divided iron in Haber’s Process.

Why do transition elements form complex compounds name the element which exhibit highest oxidation state?

Transition metals form complex compounds mainly due to the presence of vacant d orbital which can accept a pair of electrons to form complex compounds. Transition metal is also able to show this property due to its variable oxidation state.

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Why do transition elements show variable oxidation states how is the variability in oxidation states of D block different from that of the P block elements?

The variability in oxidation states of transition metal is due to the incomplete filling of d-orbitals in such a way, that their oxidation states differ from each other by unity, i.e. Fe2+ and Fe3+ etc. In case of p-block elements the oxidation state differ by units by two e.g. +3 and +5.

Why do transition metals have more oxidation states than other elements?

Transition metals can have multiple oxidation states because of their electrons. The transition metals have several electrons with similar energies, so one or all of them can be removed, depending the circumstances. When they attach to other atoms, some of their electrons change energy levels.