
Why do we do skimming in PEGA?

Why do we do skimming in PEGA?

To simplify the rule resolution process and eliminate any unused or outdated rules, perform a minor skim of all application rulesets for the HRApps application to 01-02-01.

What advantage does skimming provide over lock and roll as a versioning option?

What advantage does skimming provide over lock and roll as a versioning option? Skimming carries blocked rules forward. Lock and roll does not carry blocked rules forward.

What is ruleset stack in PEGA?

The personal ruleset has the name of the operator ID and contains the rules checked out by the operator. The ruleset list for the application with built-on applications can be viewed on the ruleset list landing page (Dev Studio > Configure > Application > Structure > RuleSet Stack).

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What is Rule availability in PEGA?

The Availability option on a rule allows you to prevent rules from being copied, or turn off rules that had been in use (if they are no longer applicable or a different rule was put in place), as a safeguard. The Availability option guarantees that the system will not accidentally use a decommissioned rule.

What is versioning in PEGA?

Pega provides two methods for creating new versions of an application. Each method preserves prior application versions. Application versioning is a way to differentiate current and past application configurations. Rule resolution can look through all the minor and patch versions for the current major ruleset.

What is branch in PEGA?

Ruleset Branching enables developer to work in isolated ruleset without impacting development of other developers who is working in different project. …

What are the different types of rulesets in PEGA?

You can go through the pega documentation for these three types of rulesets as follows:

  • Shared Ruleset.
  • Component Ruleset.
  • Standard Ruleset. Hope this might give you the broader picture about these rulesets. Regards. Mahesh.
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What is framework layer in PEGA?

The Framework layer contains assets that can be extended in specific implementations. The framework layer may be comprised of one or more generalized applications, such as a standard Pega application for a specific industry, or an extendable custom application.

What is withdrawn in PEGA?

An availability of Withdrawn indicates all rules that are in the current version ruleset and previous version ruleset and have the same purpose (or rule type) and Apply to: class are hidden and no longer considered after Availability is checked during the rule resolution process.