
Why do we look for alternative building materials?

Why do we look for alternative building materials?

Variety of alternative building materials are available which provide better, efficient, durable and cost effective construction and also ensure judicious utilization of available limited resources with least possible degradation of environment. Housing and building conditions reflect the living standards of a society.

What is alternative construction?

Alternative building refers to construction methods that differ from mainstream modern architecture. They often use natural building materials, with a strong emphasis on sustainable design. This is where alternative construction comes in.

What building supplies are an alternative to metal?

Here are 8 examples of popular alternative building materials you could use for your next building project.

  • Steel beams.
  • Metal.
  • Aerated concrete blocks.
  • Structural insulated panels.
  • Engineered wood.
  • Straw bales.
  • Cob.
  • Rammed earth.
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What other materials may be used as alternative construction materials or which may be combined with concrete?

Combating Concrete Through Sustainable Building Materials

  • Hemp Concrete Substitute. By compacting hemp and lime, it is possible to create a building block comparable to concrete.
  • Bamboo and Straw. Wood has long been a popular home building material, but not all plants are equally green.
  • Reused Plastic Waste.

What are the benefits of building with sustainable materials?

Sustainable building materials (high performance): These usually come from renewable sources, or can be recycled easily.

  • Certified green buildings: Green buildings incorporate sustainable measures at every stage of the project.
  • Lower construction costs:
  • Higher sales from meeting consumer demand for sustainability:
  • Can plastic be recycled into building materials?

    Plastics are strong, durable, waterproof, lightweight, easy to mould, and recyclable – all key properties for construction materials. But all polymers are, technologically, 100\% recyclable.

    Can steel be substituted?

    Material substitution has been one of the toughest challenges facing the steel industry. Plastic, aluminium, wood and bamboo have been replacing steel in various application areas.

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    What is cheaper steel or lumber?

    Metal tends to be cheaper than wood, with an average of $19-$25 per sq ft for a steel building and $20-$35 per sq ft for a wood building. Also, using metal in your build has a lower lifetime cost due to near-zero maintenance, and it can be nearly 100\% salvaged and sold if it is ever torn down.

    What are the alternative materials other than minerals?


    • Rock.
    • Straw.
    • Bamboo.
    • Cordwood.
    • Rammed earth.
    • Earth-sheltered.
    • Papercrete.
    • Adobe.

    What is a good substitute for concrete?

    Concrete: Cement Substitutes

    • Pulverised Fuel Ash (PFA), aka ‘Fly ash’ as a cement substitute. PFA is a by-product of coal-burning power stations.
    • Ground Granulated Blast-furnace Slag (GGBS) as a cement substitute. GGBS is a by-product of the iron and steel industry.
    • Silica fume.
    • Limestone fines.
    • Alternative fuels.

    What factors are considered when using sustainable materials in construction?

    Three factors to consider when choosing sustainable materials are energy efficiency, environmentally friendly manufacturing and durability. Energy efficient materials aim to prevent energy loss in the building.