
Why do we say ope?

Why do we say ope?

“Ope” is a word said in the Midwest that takes the place of “sorry.” “Ope” is a word you say when you’ve made a minor mistake or when you’ve done something on accident such as bumping into someone, taking the place of “sorry,” “pardon me,” or “excuse me.”

Do people from Minnesota say ope?

Now Minnesotans are prideful of the fact that we say ‘ope. ‘ It’s kind of like embracing all the other ways we [talk]: Minnesota Nice, ‘Duck Duck Gray Duck.

Where did OPE come from?

From Middle English ope (“open”), shortened form of open, from Old English open (“open”).

What does ope mean in Wisconsin?

Better believe people in WI say, “ope! just gonna sneak past ya” when they almost bump into someone. Meaning excuse me or pardon me, it’s a commonly understood phrase among fellow Wisconsinites and midwesterners.

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Is Ope an Ohio thing?

The Midwest has become famous for it, but it may not be confined to one region. As the internet understands it, “ope” is a Midwestern expression. The Midwest is, strictly speaking, comprised of 12 states, according to the Census Bureau. The Great Lakes region includes Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana and Ohio.

What is the full form of OPE?

OPE Office of Postsecondary Education Governmental » US Government — and more…
OPE Operator Product Expansion Miscellaneous » Unclassified
OPE One Pion Exchange Miscellaneous » Unclassified
OPE Other Payroll Expenses Business » General Business
OPE Oshkosh Placement Exchange Business » Occupation & Positions — and more…

Is Minnesota considered a Midwest state?

The Midwest, as defined by the federal government, comprises the states of Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin.

What does ope mean in street names?

And a second forum, all about unusual street name suffixes, had this information: “Plymouth has a lot of Opes, presumably short for opening. “These are ginnels or single track roads between two buildings and usually share the same name as the minor road running behind the properties.”

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Is ope a name?

Ope – Unisex’s name meaning, Origin, Language, Gender & Popularity | Babymigo.

Do other people say ope?

The West North Central Division is Minnesota, Missouri, Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, North Dakota and South Dakota. So calling “ope” Midwestern is broad, but in some ways may be too broad and not broad enough. Meanwhile, people in the outer states like Indiana and South Dakota insist they’ve never heard it before.