
Why do you understand by sustainable development?

Why do you understand by sustainable development?

Sustainable development is the idea that human societies must live and meet their needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Specifically, sustainable development is a way of organizing society so that it can exist in the long term.

What do you mean by sustainable development class 10th?

Sustainable development means using available resources judiciously without compromising the need of the present and future generations.

What do you mean by sustainable development class 9?

Hint:Sustainable development is that form of development that meets the need of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

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What do you understand by sustainable development What can be done to make development sustainable?

Sustainable development can be defined as an approach to the economic development of a country without compromising with the quality of the environment for future generations. This damage may surpass the advantages of having more quality output of goods and services.

What do you understand by the term Sustainable development class 8?

Answer: Sustainable development means using resources wisely without damaging the environment and keeping in mind the need of future generations. This can be achieved by making the right balance between using the resources to meet our present needs and conserving them for future.

What is sustainable development 8th Brainly?

Answer: Sustainable development refers to the process economic development where resources are used judiciously to satisfy needs of not only present generation but also to conserve them for the use of future generations.

What is sustainable development class11?

According to the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), sustainable development can be defined as “development strategy that meets the need of present generation without compromising the ability of future generation to meet their own needs.”