
Why do you want to go to a service academy?

Why do you want to go to a service academy?

Everyone who gets an appointment to an academy has a high level of resilience, and I will be proud to work alongside such like-minded people. Third, an academy affords people the opportunity to travel the world, both in their military careers and as cadets or midshipmen, something that I have always wanted to do.

Is a service academy worth it?

If you’re interested in serving your country and getting a college degree, the U.S. military academies are well worth checking out. The five United States military academies prepare students to become officers while providing them with a free undergraduate degree—in exchange for military service.

How many service academy nominations are there?

What are the basic eligibility requirements? Each applicant for a nomination must meet the following eligibility requirements as of July 1st of the year of admission to an academy: Age: Be at least 17 years old, but not have passed the 23rd birthday. Citizenship: Must be a U.S. citizen.

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How do you get into the service academy?

You need an official nomination to get into the academies (except the Coast Guard Academy). These come from senators, congressional representatives, the vice president and the president. Apply to all the sources, but get to know the ones you can personally. Volunteer in their office.

Do service academies recruit athletes?

(Ever heard of the Army-Navy game?) Because of this emphasis on sports, the academies work hard to recruit qualified athletes. But the academies are at a recruiting disadvantage, because all cadets and midshipmen must meet their high standards for admission.

Is it hard to get a service academy nomination?

Because of the large number of qualified candidates, the nomination process is extremely competitive. I encourage all applicants to also apply directly to the academies and ask that a pre-candidate file be opened for them.