
Why does a flame have a shape?

Why does a flame have a shape?

The pull of gravity draws colder, denser air down to the base of the flame, displacing the hot air, which rises. This convection process feeds fresh oxygen to the fire, which burns until it runs out of fuel. The upward flow of air is what gives a flame its teardrop shape and causes it to flicker.

What exactly is a flame?

A flame (from Latin flamma) is the visible, gaseous part of a fire. It is caused by a highly exothermic chemical reaction taking place in a thin zone. Very hot flames are hot enough to have ionized gaseous components of sufficient density to be considered plasma.

What is flame made of?

Flames consist primarily of carbon dioxide, water vapor, oxygen and nitrogen. If hot enough, the gases may become ionized to produce plasma. Depending on the substances alight, and any impurities outside, the color of the flame and the fire’s intensity will be different.

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What is a flame shape?

The result for a flame is a wide column near the match, and a thin column higher up – in other words, a teardrop shape. But flames flicker, and their shapes are constantly changing. The motion of gases near a flame is chaotic. These gases expand, rise, and swirl through each other.

Why is the shape of flame like this?

And the reason flames are shaped like tongues snaking skywards? Gravity. The earth’s pull is what makes hot air rise. And this convection shapes flames into their familiar form.

Why is candle flame spindle shaped?

Wax vapour combines with oxygen producing heat and light. As a result of this oxidation, carbon changes into carbon dioxide. Candle flame is always in a spindle shape. The wax vapours in this layer get more oxygen from the air around.

What is a flame in netiquette?

“Flaming” is what people do when they express a strongly held opinion without holding back any emotion. It’s the kind of message that makes people respond, “Oh come on, tell us how you really feel.” Tact is not its objective. Flaming is a long-standing network tradition (and Netiquette never messes with tradition).

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What is the difference between a fire and a flame?

A flame is a burning gas and is usually yellow in colour. Fire is defined as the state of burning that produces flames which send out heat and light.

How is fire made?

There is more to fire than just the emission of heat and light. Fire, simply put, is a chemical process of combustion involving the oxidation of a fuel source at a high temperature. It releases energy and produces heat and light. Flames are produced following the chemical reaction between oxygen and another gas.

Does fire create a shadow?

A shadow is basically the absence of light. Fire doesn’t have a shadow cause fire is itself a source of light, so the wall or obstacle you’d be expecting it’s shadow to fall on, would instead be covered by the light from the fire. Hence, fire has no shadow.

What is the shape of a candle?

Originally Answered: Why a burning candle has shape like a pear (talking about fire)? Actually the shape should be that of a sphere, because light and heat is radiated outwards, but because of heat, the air becomes light and less denser, due to which it rises up, and hence we get that shape.

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What are flames and flame wars?

A flame war results when multiple users engage in provocative responses to an original post, which is sometimes flamebait. Flame wars often draw in many users including those trying to defuse the flame war, and can quickly turn into a mass flame war that overshadows regular forum discussion.