
Why does current follow the path of least resistance?

Why does current follow the path of least resistance?

But the paths of least resistance (you guessed) resist less to the flow of current,thus the amount of current on them is a lot bigger than in the other more resistant paths. On average electricity follows the path of least resistance. Passing through regions that have more resistance uses more energy.

Does Energy follow the path of least resistance?

Energy moves along the path of least resistance (POLR). This is true from how atoms interact to how planets, stars, and galaxies move.

What is it called when a computer takes the path of least resistance?

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Short Circuit. A connection that allows current to take an unintended path of least resistance. You just studied 14 terms! 1/14. Lena_Moller.

What is the path of least resistance sociology?

The “path of least resistance” is the path that follows the social norms/values of a society, not opposing them. Eg. at one time segregation was the norm (path of least resistance) and social reformers were opposing these norms. • The path of least resistance affects how we think, feel, and behave.

Who said the path of least resistance?

H. G. Wells Quotes The path of least resistance is the path of the loser.

What is the meaning of least resistance?

: to choose the easiest way to do something instead of trying to choose the best way.

What does Johnson mean when he refers to the paths of least resistance?

In choosing their targets, they follow paths of least resistance that are built into a society that everyone participates in, that everyone makes happen regardless of how they feel or what they intend.

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How do you use the path of least resistance?

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishthe line/path of least resistancethe line/path of least resistanceif you follow the path of least resistance, you avoid making difficult decisions and choose the easiest solution to a problem – often used to show disapproval Many people don’t make changes because they’re …

How do you live the path of least resistance?

The Path of Least Resistance: Adding More Flow to Your Life

  1. Follow What Feels Good. Pay attention to what brings you joy, lights you up, and speaks to your heart. Then follow it.
  2. Let the Doing Take Care of Itself. Stop. Trying.
  3. Live Choice by Choice. Avoid looking too far into the future or dwelling on the past.

How do you take the path of most resistance?

Here’s a simple formula: When in doubt, choose the harder task or what you don’t want to do—that’s usually exactly what you should do. Take the path of MOST resistance. Put it this way: If you are disappointed in any area of your life, whatever choices you have been making aren’t working.

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Where did the phrase path of least resistance come from?

The term path of least resistance first appeared in the 1820s as an engineering or scientific term. In time, the path of least resistance came to describe human interaction and strategies. The plural of path of least resistance is paths of least resistance.