
Why does my curly hair feel so hard?

Why does my curly hair feel so hard?

If your tresses are feeling brittle or rough, chances are it’s due to some combination of damage, dryness and harsh products. In many cases, softer curlier hair can be achieved by making a few small tweaks to your curly hair regimen. The important thing is to listen to your curls!

How can I fix my hard curly hair?

Steps To Reduce Dryness in Wavy & Curly Hair

  1. Shampoo Only Your Scalp.
  2. Dilute Your Shampoo with Water.
  3. Switch to a Shampoo WITHOUT Sulphates & Use a ‘Co-Wash’
  4. Use a Creamy, Moisturising Conditioner.
  5. Don’t brush your curls DRY.
  6. Use a Leave in Conditioner/Curl Cream.
  7. Deep Condition your Hair.
  8. Protect your Curls at Night.
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How can I love my curly hair?

Here’s what has helped me embrace the curl.

  1. Determine Your Curly Hair Type.
  2. Get a Haircut for Your Hair Type and Personal Style.
  3. Modify Your Hair Care.
  4. Learn to Laugh at Yourself.
  5. Have Fun.
  6. 7 Experts Share Their Secrets for Awesome Curly Hair.
  7. 5 Tips for Sleeping on Wet Hair (and Still Looking Good)

Why is my curly hair crunchy when it dries?

More than likely you’re putting too much product in your hair. If my hair is crunchy that’s always the reason why. Next time try putting less product. If it’s still crunchy, a trick I like to do is re-wet them and scrunch out the extra product with a paper towel.

How do I bring out my natural curls?

10 Ways To Style Natural Curly Hair

  1. Twist wet hair with a towel instead of rubbing all over.
  2. Swap your hairbrush for a wide-toothed comb.
  3. Ask for a ‘feathered’ cut at the hairdressers.
  4. Swap your hair serum for a curl creme.
  5. Use a diffuser on your hairdryer.
  6. Avoid anti-frizz products.
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What is the Skip Curl method?

Gently slide your finger out of the twist, hold on to the end, and literally “skip” the hair around a little, sort of like you’re swinging a jump rope. Then, just drop the curl and start on another section. Once you’ve done this to a few sections, you can scrunch those sections together to intensify the curl.

Why my curls are not defined?

If your curls are inconsistently defined, you might be… using too little product. If your curls tend to look inconsistent – defined in some places, frizzy in others – you may not be using enough gel or styling cream to coat every strand. Worried about going through your bottle of anti-frizz gel too quickly?