
Why does my tooth hurt but no infection?

Why does my tooth hurt but no infection?

If you have aching teeth, it may be due to a dental problem such as cavities, gum disease, bruxism, TMJ or a non-dental problem, such as a sinus infection or even stress.

Why do my teeth hurt but I have no cavities?

Tooth sensitivity occurs when the inner layer of your tooth, known as dentin, becomes exposed. This type of toothache occurs even when there’s no cavity to find. Dentin usually becomes exposed when there’s a wearing away of enamel or gum recession.

Can a tooth infection not show up on xray?

Dr. Nerness will usually take an x-ray of the tooth to evaluate the crown, roots, root canals, and supporting bone. In certain cases, a dental CT may be necessary to determine the extent of the infection. Since early root canal infections may not show up on the x-ray, Dr.

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What else can cause tooth pain?

A toothache or tooth pain is caused when the nerve in the root of a tooth or surrounding a tooth is irritated. Dental (tooth) infection, decay, injury, or loss of a tooth are the most common causes of dental pain.

Does tooth pain always mean infection?

Throbbing tooth pain usually indicates that there is an injury or infection in the mouth. In most cases, this will be a cavity or an abscess. A person cannot diagnose the cause of throbbing tooth pain based on their symptoms alone, and it is not always possible to see injuries or abscesses.

How do I know what is causing my tooth pain?

Guide to Diagnosing Tooth Pain

  1. Symptom: Momentary sensitivity to hot or cold foods.
  2. Symptom: Sensitivity to hot or cold foods after dental treatment.
  3. Symptom: Sharp pain when biting down on food.
  4. Symptom: Lingering pain after eating hot or cold foods.

Which tablet is used for teeth pain?

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Analgesics. Non-narcotic analgesics are the most commonly used drugs for relief of toothache or pain following dental treatment as well as fever. The commonly-used medications used are: ibuprofen (Advil, Nuprin, Motrin), acetaminophen (Tylenol), and aspirin (for example, Bayer);