
Why does Ron get mad at Harry in the Goblet of Fire?

Why does Ron get mad at Harry in the Goblet of Fire?

Ron was angry because he believed Harry had gone behind his back to put his name in the Goblet. He felt Harry should have told him and taken him along so he could have put his name in too. Ron was upset that it was always Harry in the spotlight, never him.

Why did Ron leave Harry?

Because he was wearing the Horcrux locket that exacerbated all his negative character traits. He has had a temper in the past and was quite a baby about Harry being in the Triwizard Tournament, so much so that he wouldn’t speak to Harry.

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Why did Harry tell Ron to leave Hermione?

The thing is, it was not just about Harry telling Ron to leave. For example, Harry did not do anything to dispel Ron’s concerns about the entire mission, and he himself admits the next day that Ron was indeed correct, which is also why he starts fearing that Hermione would leave him too, contrary to what she said the previous chapter.

What is the relationship between Harry Potter and Hermione Granger?

While Ron and Hermione have the most famous romance in Harry Potter, Hermione and Harry’s relationship has some hidden depths. The legacy of Harry Potter is told through the lens of three best friends at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, having adventures and trying to defeat the evil within the Wizarding World.

Are Ron and Hermione godparents to James Potter’s child?

With Ginny as his mother, Ron and Hermione are also uncle and aunt to James. They’re certainly the perfect choice as godparents to Harry and Ginny’s first child. Interestingly, Ron and Hermione were not made godparents for all of Harry and Ginny’s children.

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Why was Harry Potter absolved of any responsibility for his actions?

Simply put, absolving Harry of any responsibility permits people to have an easier time of condemning Ron, people who probably already had a predisposition towards disliking him in the first place. The thing is, it was not just about Harry telling Ron to leave.