
Why does Sylvester Stallone have a speech impediment?

Why does Sylvester Stallone have a speech impediment?

Sylvester Stallone’s slurred speech impediment is the result of an accident at birth. This unfortunate accident left his face partly paralyzed. Little baby Stallone’s birth wasn’t a straight forward one.

What languages does Sylvester Stallone speak?

Sylvester Stallone/Languages

Where is Sylvester Stallone from originally?

Hell’s Kitchen, New York, NY
Sylvester Stallone/Place of birth

Did Sylvester Stallone fight in the Vietnam War?

Was Sylvester Stallone in the Military? Sylvester Stallone has a long history of playing the military hero in movies. However, Stallone did not serve in the military.

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Is Sylvester Stallone really Italian?

Sylvester Stallone was born on July 6, 1946, in New York’s gritty Hell’s Kitchen, to Jackie Stallone (née Labofish), an astrologer, and Frank Stallone, a beautician and hairdresser. His father was an Italian immigrant, and his mother’s heritage is half French (from Brittany) and half German.

What is Sylvester Stallone’s real name?

Michael Sylvester Gardenzio Stallone
Sylvester Stallone/Full name

Sylvester Stallone, in full Sylvester Gardenzio Stallone, (born July 6, 1946, New York, New York, U.S.), American actor, screenwriter, and director who was perhaps best known for creating and starring in the Rocky and Rambo film series, which made him an icon in the action genre.

Is Sylvester Stallone a Vietnam veteran?

What is wrong with Sylvester Stallone’s voice?

Sylvester Stallone’s slurred speech impediment. His slurred speech coupled with his thick accent make him instantly recognizable by his voice alone. Many people may think that his slurred speech it’s all part of an elaborate act to make him appear tougher on screen. Either that or it’s the result of pushing weights and steroid abuse.

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What caused Sylvester Stallone’s slurred speech impediment?

Sylvester Stallone’s slurred speech impediment is the result of a birthing accident. Little baby Stallone’s birth wasn’t a straight forward one. To be painfully accurate it was a difficult birth. He was too comfortable inside the womb and didn’t want to come out.

What is Sylvester Stallone famous for?

Sylvester Stallone is an extremely well known star of action movies. But acting isn’t his only strength, he is also an accomplished writer, director, and producer. Many of his great hits include Rocky, Rambo, and who could forget Judge Dredd (one of the few movies where he knows one is enough).

Did Richard Gere get mustard on Sylvester Stallone during a break?

While filming 1974’s The Lords of Flatbush, in which Stallone and then-unknown actor Richard Gere both played 1950s street toughs, the two actors apparently got off on the wrong foot. Stallone recalled that Gere drew his ire for being too physical during rehearsals—and worse, getting mustard on Stallone during a lunch break.