
Why does the Force needed to be balanced Star Wars?

Why does the Force needed to be balanced Star Wars?

Darkness, like the river, is not intrinsically bad. In fact, it’s even necessary for the valley’s health. But using the darkness to overflow the river and destroy the valley is evil. That’s why bringing balance to the force requires their destruction.

How is the Force balanced if there are no Sith?

Balance means same amount of darkness as light in the universe. But the Jedi, and everyone in the star wars universe says that by destroying the sith there would be balance in the force.

What is balance in the Force according to George Lucas?

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George Lucas defines balance in the Force as “the removal of the toxicity of the dark side, a la the removal of toxins from blood. You return things to balance by eliminating whatever is causing them to go out of whack; thus, you keep the Force in balance by making the light side pure and free of the dark side.”

Will there ever be balance in the Force?

The deaths of the last two Sith Lords fulfilled the Jedi prophecy, restoring balance to the Force. With his destiny complete, the Chosen One passed into the Force as Anakin Skywalker.

Who restores balance to the Force?

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker confirms that Anakin Skywalker really did bring balance to the Force. The prophecy of the Chosen One has long been one of the greatest mysteries in the entire Star Wars saga. According to the prequel trilogy, Anakin Skywalker was born to restore balance to the Force.

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Is the Force balanced after rise of Skywalker?

Defeating the First Order and Palpatine brings balance to the Force. So, to answer the question of “Is the Force balanced now?” yes, it is. And with a large amount of Sith spirits behind the Emperor in The Rise of Skywalker, it’s hard to imagine they’ll stay silent for long.

Is the Sith destroyed?

The Sith may have been destroyed, but they left an indelible mark on the galaxy. Fortunately, it’s reasonable to assume many of the most dangerous artifacts were taken out of circulation by the Jedi Order, and have actually been destroyed.

Did Rey destroy the Sith?

A final battle of the Resistance against Sidious’ forces followed shortly afterwards, during which Rey received the help from all the great Jedi of the past to destroy Sidious once and for all and exterminate the Sith for good.