
Why is electrode potential of Mn3+?

Why is electrode potential of Mn3+?

The reason to this is: #half filled configuration of Mn+2: Mn2+ exists in 3d5 configuration which is half filled configuration and such half filled configurations provide extra stability to the Metal Ion. While Mn3+ will exist in 3d4 configuration which is less stable than 3d5.

Which of the following redox couple shows highest positive standard reduction potential value?


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How are standard electrode potentials measured?

The standard electrode potential is measured by the potentiometer. It is the potential difference when no current is flowing in the circuit.

What is the standard reduction potential for Fe3+ Fe2+?

The Table of Standard Reduction Potentials gives a reduction potential of 0.771 V for the reduction of Fe3+(aq) to Fe2+(aq) under standard acidic conditions.

Why E value for us MN³ +| MN² couple is much more positive than that of FE³ +| FE²?

Because Mn3+ has the outer electronic configuration of 3d4 and Mn2+ has the outer electronic configuration of 3d5. Hence, Eo value for Mn3+ / Mn2+ couple is positive.

Why is the value of Mn3 +/ Mn2+ is more positive then Fe3 +/ Fe2?

Detailed Answer :a Because Mn2+ is more stable than Mn3+ due to half-filled d5 configuration whereas Fe2+ becomes unstable after loosing an electron from half filled orbital.

What does the positive value of standard electrode potential indicate?

The sign of the standard electrode potential indicates in which direction the reaction must proceed in order to achieve equilibrium. The positive Eo value indicates that at STP this reaction must proceed to the right in order to achieve equilibrium.

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Why is e value for mn3 +/ mn2+?

Because Mn3+ has the outer electronic configuration of 3d4 and Mn2+ has the outer electronic configuration of 3d5. Thus, the conversion of Mn3+ to Mn2+ will be a favourable reaction since 3d5 is a very stable configuration as it is half filled configuration. Hence, Eo value for Mn3+ / Mn2+ couple is positive.

What does positive electrode potential mean?

Note. A positive E°cell means that the reaction will occur spontaneously as written. A negative E°cell means that the reaction will proceed spontaneously in the opposite direction. Example 2. A galvanic cell with a measured standard cell potential of 0.27 V is constructed using two beakers connected by a salt bridge.

What is standard electrode potential for Fe3+ to Fe?

Given that: Fe2+ + 2e- → Fe; Ee+/Fe = -0.47 V Fe3+ + e- Fe2+, E2/e2+ = +0.77 V (1) +0.30 V (2) +0.057 V (3) -0.057 V (4) -0.30 V.

What is the standard electrode potential of Fe3 +/ Fe?

Standard electrode potentials of Fe2+ + 2e → Fe and Fe3+ + 3e → Fe are – 0.440V and -0.036V respectively.

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Why is the EO value for Mn3 +/ Mn2+?