
Why is English not the national language of Singapore?

Why is English not the national language of Singapore?

English became the lingua franca due to British rule of Singapore, and was made the main language upon Singaporean independence. While Tamil is one of Singapore’s official and the most spoken Indian language, other Indian languages are also frequently used by minorities.

Is Indonesia good at speaking English?

The Proficiency Index compiled by English First (EF) is a good indicator to measure English language proficiency in nations across the world as this index is known as the world’s largest ranking of English skills. Indonesia ranks 32nd – from a total of 72 countries surveyed – with a score of 52.91 points.

Is Indonesia’s linguistic legacy under threat?

Indonesia’s linguistic legacy is increasingly under threat as growing numbers of wealthy and upper-middle-class families shun public schools where Indonesian remains the main language but English is often taught poorly. They are turning, instead, to private schools that focus on English and devote little time, if any, to Indonesian.

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Is Indonesian difficult to learn compared to other languages?

English and Indonesian, however, are worlds apart, having West Germanic and Austronesian roots, respectively. Given the vastly different rules separating the two, it can be quite challenging for a native speaker of Indonesian to learn the ins and outs of the more complex English language.

Do Indonesian children know they’re Indonesian?

Their parents, who grew up speaking the Indonesian language but went to college in the United States and Australia, talk to their children in English. And the children attend a private school where English is the main language of instruction. “They know they’re Indonesian,” Ms. Sugiarto, 34, said.

Why is English so important in Indonesia?

It is widely recognized that English is important for Indonesia and the reason most frequently put forward for this is that English is a global or international language. The global status of English is partly due to the number of people who speak it.