
Why is Finch in a wheelchair?

Why is Finch in a wheelchair?

According to X-rays analyzed by Megan Tillman, Finch had a spinal fusion surgery as a result of his injury during this time period due to the bombing (“Cura Te Ipsum”). After finding Ingram’s name on the irrelevant list and reactivating the Contingency function, Finch decides to help people.

Does the machine survive Person of Interest?

The Machine intentionally sent Finch to the wrong building so that Reese could make the ultimate sacrifice instead. Reese makes a dramatic last stand against the agents of Samaritan, and is violently gunned down in his last battle; it was a tragic end for one of the show’s two main protagonists.

How is Samaritan defeated in person of interest?

As Samaritan’s copy boots inside the satellite, the Machine’s copy follows suit and the two ASIs battle. The Machine’s copy ultimately emerges victorious and destroys the final Samaritan copy. Both the original Machine and the original Samaritan are destroyed by the ICE-9 virus.

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What does Samaritan do person of interest?

Once an individual is identified, Samaritan scans through the person’s records including medical history, media consumption, internet activity, personal relationships, and preferred mobile apps as It is also able to predict where the subject might be headed and which routes that person usually takes.

Why did Finch sell the laptop?

Finch sold it to the Chinese because he needed the weapon that would eventually be used against the machine to actually be a tool – the laptop contained a virus, but within that virus, Finch had coded instructions freeing the machine from the restrictions he had put on it.

What is wrong with Finch on Person of Interest?

Throughout the series, Finch displays his extraordinary expertise with computer hacking and advanced technology. As a result of his injury from the ferry bombing, he is unable to fully turn his head, has rigid posture, and walks with a limp.

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Will Person of Interest ever return?

It was declared that Person of Interest season 5 would be its finale not long after its release date came out. Why Person of Interest, which got great evaluations and brought numbers for CBS, was unexpectedly canceled.