
Why is Kelvin bridge preferred for measurement of low resistance?

Why is Kelvin bridge preferred for measurement of low resistance?

17. Why Kelvin bridge is used for measurement of low resistance? Explanation: While measuring very low resistances the contact and lead resistances cause significant errors in the value of the measured resistance. As a result Kelvin bridge is used for measurement of low resistances.

Why is Kelvin bridge used?

A Kelvin bridge, also called a Kelvin double bridge and in some countries a Thomson bridge, is a measuring instrument used to measure unknown electrical resistors below 1 ohm. It is specifically designed to measure resistors that are constructed as four terminal resistors.

Can Wheatstone bridge measure low resistance?

there is little or no current through it, or its resistance does not materially affect the results obtained. directly into measurements. Wheatstone bridge so as to add the connecting resistances X, have a low resistance, preferably not over o.

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What is the advantage of Kelvin double bridge when compared Wheatstone bridge?

Explanation: What is the necessity of using the Kelvin double bridge in place of the Wheatstone bridge for the measurement of low resistance? Because by using Kelvin’s Double Bridge, your end result i.e. the value of unknown resistance will not be influenced by resistances of connecting lead.

Which bridge is suitable for low resistance measurement?

The Kelvin Bridge
The Kelvin Bridge is a variation of the Wheatstone bridge which enables low resistances to be measured.

Why is kelvins double bridge preferred over Wheatstone bridge?

Wheatstone bridge use for measuring the resistance from a few ohms to several kilo-ohms. But error occurs in the result when it is used for measuring the low resistance. The Kelvin bridge is suitable for measuring the low resistance.

What is the use of kelvins method?

Hint:Kelvin’s method determines the resistance of the galvanometer using the principle of Wheatstone bridge, which makes it easier to find the resistance since you only need to know the ratio of the lengths and not the specific value of resistance of wires.

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What is the significance of measuring low resistances *?

What is the significance of measuring low resistances? Explanation: When measuring low resistances of the order of 1 ῼ or even less, lead and contact resistances of the order of even 0.002 ῼ cannot be neglected. High currents flow through low resistance circuits. 3.

Why is Wheatstone bridge meter bridge method not suitable for measurement of very low and very high resistances?

The meter bridge is sensitive when the resistance of all four arms of the bridge are off the same order. If we measure too high resistance and the meter deflection is too small, ie, currents are too low. Similarly. For Too low and you get errors due to the resistance of the wire and the connections.

Why Kelvin double bridge is called Double bridge?

The Kelvin Double Bridge incorporates the idea of a second set of ratio arms, hence the name of double bridge- and the use of four terminal resistors for the low resistance arms. The ratio p /q is made equal to P/Q.

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What is the balance equation of kelvins bridge?

The ratio p/q is made equal to P/Q. Under balance conditions there is no current through the galvanometer which means that the voltage drop between a and b, Eab is equal to voltage drops Eamd between a and c. Eq (2) is the usual working equation for the kelvin bridge.

How is Kelvin double bridge method used to remove the connection lead and contact resistances in the measurement of low value resistances?

The kelvin double bridge incorporates the idea of a second set of ratio arms – hence the name double bridge- and the use of four terminal resistors for the low resistance arms. The ratio p/q is made equal to P/Q.