
Why is La Francophonie important today?

Why is La Francophonie important today?

La Francophonie is a group of 88 states and member governments and observers that share French as a common language, as well as values in common. It is an important player in international relations that represents 1 billion people, including 300 million Francophones, on the five continents.

What are the benefits of la Francophonie?

Organisation internationale de la Francophonie(in French only)

  • promote the French language and cultural and linguistic diversity;
  • promote peace, democracy and human rights;
  • support education, training, higher education and research; and.
  • develop cooperation to ensure sustainable development and solidarity.

What is the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie When was it created?

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March 20, 1970, Niamey, Niger
Organisation internationale de la Francophonie/Founded

What is L Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie?

The International Organisation of la Francophonie (OIF/ Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie) is an international institution established in 1970 and aimed at strengthening and promoting the French language and universal values. The organisation has 54 full members, 7 associate and 27 observer states.

How many countries celebrate La Journée internationale de la Francophonie?

International Francophonie Day (French: Journée internationale de la Francophonie) is observed within the International Organization of La Francophonie’s 77 member states every March 20 to celebrate the French language and Francophone culture.

How does links with Francophone countries benefit France economically?

Sharing the French language is a significant economic advantage for francophone countries, enabling increased trade as a result of the reduced transaction costs. These various links between language and economy within the francophone area will be explored in a FERDI study to be published at the start of 2015.

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Why was the Francophonie created?

The OIF was created so as to facilitate cooperation between its members on cultural, political, and economic issues and, through its actions, to promote the French language and linguistic diversity as well as democracy, peace, intercultural dialogue, education, and sustainable development.

What are the missions of the Francophonie organization OIF?

The Francophonie’s mission mandates are:

  • To promote the French language and cultural and linguistic diversity;
  • To promote peace, democracy and human rights;
  • To support education, training, higher education and research;
  • To foster economic cooperation to bolster sustainable development.

Is La Francophonie an NGO?

But it is also a group of governmental and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and associations involved in a variety of activities and areas of common interest to the members of the Francophonie community. French is not only the communication medium of la Francophonie, but its catalyst.

Where is La Journée internationale de la Francophonie celebrated?

International Francophonie Day (French: Journée internationale de la Francophonie), which celebrates the French language and Francophone culture, is celebrated in the International Organization of La Francophonie’s 77 member states every March 20. There is over 200 million French speakers on Earth.

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Where is the Journée internationale de la Francophonie is celebrated?

The Alliance francaise de Chicago presents FrancoFun Food demonstrations throughout the month of March given from Belgium, Canada, France, Quebec, Martinique, Switzerland and Vietnam.