
Why is my alto saxophone only playing high notes?

Why is my alto saxophone only playing high notes?

Assuming the issue is not the player, the most likely causes of a saxophone only playing high notes are a leak in the instrument or an octave key that is stuck open. In both cases, however, you should take your saxophone to a specialized repair person.

Why does my alto saxophone sound weird?

It is also common for an airy sound to be caused by leaks in the instrument. Less often, an improper placement of the reed or ligature on the mouthpiece, a poor embouchure, a low-quality mouthpiece, or a broken octave mechanism may cause airiness.

Is the saxophone difficult to play?

The saxophone, like many instruments, is not difficult to begin playing. It can however, be challenging to master Many people say that it’s easy to make a sound on the saxophone, but harder to make a good sound (at least, at first). But if you’re considering getting started with saxophone lessons – don’t be discouraged!

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Why is my Saxophone not responding?

If the sound is not responding, the reed and mouthpiece are likely being squeezed together as a result of too much jaw pressure. The way that you hold your lips on the mouthpiece of the saxophone is called the “embouchure.”

Why does my saxophone have a sharp G on it?

Usually, it’s a problem with what we call a regulation bar—it’s above the F# and it covers the G. Any saxophone made past the 50s will have two regulation screws on. The bottom regulation screw is for the long B flat, one-on-one, and the top regulation screw is for the G sharp.

What is the sound of a warble on a saxophone?

The “warble” or “motorboating” on low B and C on saxophones is well known by most players of the instrument. The sound is like a quivering vibration to the tone, which is present across the range of the sax and is more audible in the higher octave.