
Why is my PIH not fading?

Why is my PIH not fading?

The length of time it takes for PIH to fade depends on how dark the spot is compared to the surrounding skin. The bigger the contrast between the dark area and your natural skin tone, the longer it will take to fade. PIH doesn’t always fade away on its own. In some cases, it’s more or less permanent.

Can PIH be permanent?

The good news is PIH will eventually go away, even if left untreated. Since these spots are caused by melanin production, the affected skin will shed like all skin cells. On its own, PIH will generally resolve within two years.

How do you get rid of stubborn post inflammatory hyperpigmentation?

First-line therapy typically consists of topical depigmenting agents in addition to photoprotection including a sunscreen. Topical tyrosinase inhibitors, such as hydroquinone, azelaic acid, kojic acid, arbutin, and certain licorice extracts, can effectively lighten areas of hypermelanosis.

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Does hyper pigmentation fade?

Keep in mind that hyperpigmentation does not always fade. Even with treatment, some hyperpigmentation will be permanent. Without any treatment at all, it can take 3 to 24 months to see improvement. It really depends on the severity of darkened skin and how much the hyperpigmentation covers.

Why do I have post inflammatory hyperpigmentation?

Postinflammatory hyperpigmentation can occur with various disease processes that affect the skin. These processes include allergic reactions, infections, trauma, and phototoxic eruptions. Fractional laser photothermolysis occasionally induces postinflammatory hyperpigmentation.

How long does post-inflammatory erythema last?

PIE marks eventually fade – even with no treatment – but the process can take anywhere between three months to a year. Unlike PIH, there is little research on how to treat PIE aside from vascular lasers, but certain measures can be taken at home to at least soothe the irritation.

Which type of pigmentation is permanent?

Epidermal pigmentation is mostly brown and fades out in several months. Dermal pigmentation has a grey-brown colour and is generally permanent for years. Treatment of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation is difficult.

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Does vitamin C help with post inflammatory hyperpigmentation?

Another example is vitamin C, which promotes collagen production. This is a great post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation vitamin for sun-damaged skin with sunspots.