
Why is radio so important?

Why is radio so important?

Radio is very powerful because it reaches a huge audience quickly and because it allows the people in that huge audience to interact with one another more easily than television viewers or newspaper readers. Radio is powerful because it has the ability to reach and influence so many people.

Is radio relevant for education?

Although often overshadowed as educational medium vis-à-vis other technologies such as television, radio remains a viable medium that has proven educational worth in terms of both pedagogical importance and geographical reach.

How radio is useful in education?

Radio is an effectual system for delivery of education to larger numbers of people. In facilitates information exchange at the community level, acting as a “community telephone”. Radio plays a vital educational role as the sole medium for formal and non-formal education.

How does a radio help an illiterate person?

Radio and television are useful to the illiterate people as they can get the information which the literate people use to get frm some books ,magazines and also newspapers etc. Being illiterate they can’t easily read those so they can get all those informations frm radio and television.

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What are the advantages of radio in education?

(i) Sharpen learners’ listening skills and provoke their imagination. (ii) They provide up-to date information current research findings in language. (iii) Expose teachers to different teaching methods. (iv) They give the teacher and children/ learners an opportunity to actively engage in the lesson.

How did radio influence American culture?

Radio news in the 1930s and 1940s brought the emotional impact of traumatic events home to the listening public in a way that gave the nation a sense of unity. Radio encouraged the growth of national popular music stars and brought regional sounds to wider audiences.