
Why is suffering important in religion?

Why is suffering important in religion?

In religion, suffering is used especially to grow spiritually, to expiate, to inspire compassion and help, to frighten, to punish. In rites of passage (see also hazing, ragging), rituals that make use of suffering are frequent.

What is the biblical view of suffering?

Jesus himself deeply disappointed his disciples’ notions aiming at power and exaltation, in that he taught them, in accordance with Isaiah, chapter 53: “The Son of man will suffer many things.” In Jesus’ announcements of suffering the Christian understanding of suffering is clearly expressed: suffering is not the final …

What is redemptive suffering Catholic?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Redemptive suffering is the Christian belief that human suffering, when accepted and offered up in union with the Passion of Jesus, can remit the just punishment for one’s sins or for the sins of another, or for the other physical or spiritual needs of oneself or another.

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How can our suffering help others?

Suffering Yields Wisdom and Compassion If we suffer because of the consequences of poor choices, that is also an opportunity in disguise. We can lift a voice of warning against addiction, abuse, impulsiveness, crime, and a variety of other choices, speaking from experience and influencing others to avoid our mistakes.

What does it mean to glory in our sufferings?

Put another way, glory is what suffering looks like from an eternal perspective. It is the honor of God that crowns God’s people. And there will come a time in which all of the church’s shared sufferings will be seen as radiant and beautiful.

What does unearned suffering is redemptive mean?

To discover that suffering is redemptive gives meaning to the experience of human suffering, and it means something more. It means that there is God’s solidarity with us in suffering, not in a magical sense of making it suddenly go away, but of companioning us in the very worst times of human life.

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What does redemptive power mean?

(rɪdɛmptɪv ) adjective [usu ADJ n] In Christianity, a redemptive act or quality is something that leads to freedom from the consequences of sin and evil. the redemptive power of love.