
Why is the magnetic field around a wire circular?

Why is the magnetic field around a wire circular?

When a current flows in a wire, it creates a circular magnetic field around the wire. This magnetic field can deflect the needle of a magnetic compass. The strength of the magnetic field is greater closer to the wire, and increases if the current increases.

How magnetic field is produced in circular loop?

A magnetic field is produced by an electric current flowing through a circular coil of wire. Each small section of current carrying wire contributes to magnetic field lines. At the centre of circular wire,field lines become straight and perpendicular to the plane of coil.

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Why does an electric current produce a magnetic field?

A magnetic field describes a volume of space where there is a change in energy. As Ampere suggested, a magnetic field is produced whenever an electrical charge is in motion. The spinning and orbiting of the nucleus of an atom produces a magnetic field as does electrical current flowing through a wire.

Is magnetic field circular?

The magnetic field lines are concentric circles at every point of a current carrying circular loop.

Where is the magnetic field inside a current carrying circular conductor strongest give reason for your answer?

Answer: We know that the magnetic field is stronger near the current carrying conductor and tends to weaken as we move away from the conductor. In case of a current carrying circular loop, the magnetic field is stronger near the periphery but weaker near the centre of the loop.

What is magnetic field of electric current?

Magnetic Effect of Electric Current – A magnetic field is a force field that is created by magnetic dipoles and moving electric charges, and it exerts a force on other nearby moving charges and magnetic dipoles. Magnetic Field is a vector quantity because it has both magnitude and direction.

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Do electric currents always produce magnetic fields?

The fact that an electric current always produces a magnetic field, no matter what the shape of the circuit may be, was discovered accidentally by Oersted in 1820. He was demonstrating what he believed to be the non-connection between electricity and magnetism.

What is a circular loop?

a circular loop is a circular figure made from insulating wires and current is passed through it to produce magnetic effects. ocabanga44 and 22 more users found this answer helpful. Thanks 12.

Why magnetic field is stronger in centre of circular loop?

Now consider a current carrying circular loop as below. The magnetic field lines are directly proportional to the magnetic field intensity. If you observe the field lines you can see that the line is denser at the centre than at the circumference, which is why the magnetic field strength is stronger at the centre.

How do the magnetic field produced by a current carrying circular point explain with any activity?

Magnetic field produced by a current carrying circular coil. On moving away from the circular loop, the concentric circles representing magnetic field lines become bigger and bigger. At the centre of the circular loop, the magnetic field lines are straight.

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How are magnetic fields produced?

Magnetic fields are produced by moving electric charges. Everything is made up of atoms, and each atom has a nucleus made of neutrons and protons with electrons that orbit around the nucleus. Since the orbiting electrons ≠are tiny moving charges, a small magnetic field is created around each atom.