
Why is there a hyphen in phone numbers?

Why is there a hyphen in phone numbers?

The reason there is a hyphen or decimal between digits in a telephone number is to simply allow the user and the exchange to determine where and whom the calls destination will be. The hyphens decimals, spaces, etc are not standard across all nations.

How do you hyphenate a phone number?

To format phone numbers in the US, Canada, and other NANP (North American Numbering Plan) countries, enclose the area code in parentheses followed by a space, and then hyphenate the three-digit exchange code with the four-digit number.

What kind of dash is used in a phone number?

Figure dash It is used within numbers (e.g., the phone number 555‒0199), especially in columns, for maintaining alignment. In contrast, the en dash is generally used for a range of values. The minus sign (−) glyph is generally set a little higher.

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What are the types of number formatting and its purpose?

Types of number format

Format Description
Fixed Point Number with a fixed number of digits after the decimal point
Integer A whole number with no decimals shown
Date Show number (days since 1 Jan 1900) as a date and/or time (see below for format options)
Boolean Display 0 as False , and any other number as True

What is the proper phone number format?

The same number can be formatted in dozens of different ways. Here are just a few examples: 2124567890….The Anatomy of Phone Number Formats.

Phone Number Dialed Location
+1-212-456-7890 International Phone Number
1-212-456-7890 Dialed in the US
001-212-456-7890 Dialed in Germany
191-212-456-7890 Dialed in France

What is a hyphenated word examples?

Hyphenated Compound Word Examples

  • two-fold.
  • check-in.
  • merry-go-round.
  • father-in-law.
  • seventy-two.
  • long-term.
  • up-to-date.
  • mother-in-law.

What does a hyphen mean in a name?

What Is a Hyphenated Last Name? A hyphenated last name is when you and your spouse combine both of your last names with a hyphen. This is also called a double surname. In many states, when you fill out your application for your marriage license, you’ll be writing your intended married name on that application.

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