
Why is there no magnetic force on a stationary charge?

Why is there no magnetic force on a stationary charge?

1. The charge must be moving, for no magnetic force acts on a stationary charge. The velocity of the moving charge must have a component that is perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic field.

What is the force experienced by the stationary charge in a magnetic field?

The Magnetic force experienced by the stationary charge is zero as its velocity is zero.

Does a stationary charge experience a force in an electric field?

Explanation: Both stationary and moving charges experiences force in electric field .

What is the magnetic force experienced by a stationary proton in a magnetic field?

The force experienced by a particle, carrying the charge + q and moving with a velocity v in a magnetic field with its velocity perpendicular to the field is give by F = qvB.

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Why cyclotron is used?

Cyclotrons are used to accelerate heavy charged particles such as protons, deuterons, and heavier ions. The cyclotron was invented by Ernest Lawrence in the 1930s as a tool for physics research and isotope production. Proton and deuteron beams of these energies can be produced in appropriately designed cyclotrons.

Can neutrons be accelerated in a cyclotron?

A cyclotron cannot accelerate neutrons.

Does a stationary charge produce a magnetic field?

A stationary charge will produce only an electric field in the surrounding space. If the charge is moving, a magnetic field is also produced. An electric field can be produced also by a changing magnetic field.

Why does an electric field produce a stationary charge?

In case of a stationary charge there is no motion present in the charge hence there is no magnetic field produced. So, only an electric field is produced.

Does a stationary charge experience of force in an electric field?

Which particle does not experience a force due to an electric field?

A stationary charged particle in a magnetic field does not experience a force.

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Can cyclotron accelerate proton?

Protons: Subatomic particles located in the nucleus of an atom are known as protons. Protons are positively charged. The cyclotron accelerates charged particles. Thus, protons are accelerated by cyclotrons.