
Why is YouTube so slow on Mac?

Why is YouTube so slow on Mac?

It sounds obvious, probably because it is, but many Mac users put slow running down to viruses or technical glitches – forgetting that the main source of internet is through Wi-Fi. If your videos are buffering endlessly, or searches are taking an age to load, weak internet connection is the likely suspect.

Why is my 2018 MacBook Pro so slow?

If you find your Mac is running slowly, there are a number of potential causes that you can check. Your computer’s startup disk may not have enough free disk space. To make disk space available, you can move files to another disk or an external storage device, then delete files you no longer need on the startup disk.

How can I speed up my MacBook Pro 2018?

Here are the top ways to speed up a Mac:

  1. Clean up system files and documents. A clean Mac is a fast Mac.
  2. Detect & Kill Demanding Processes.
  3. Speed up startup time: Manage startup programs.
  4. Remove unused apps.
  5. Run a macOS system update.
  6. Upgrade your RAM.
  7. Swap your HDD for an SSD.
  8. Reduce Visual Effects.
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Why is my Mac playing videos so slow?

Slow performance may mean you’re about to reach the storage limit on your Mac. Solution: Check your hard drive space by clicking the the Apple icon in the top-left corner and then selecting “About this Mac.” Next, toggle over to the “Storage” section and wait for it to calculate how much space you’re using.

How do I speed up a video on my Mac?

Change clip speed

  1. In the iMovie app on your Mac, select a clip in the timeline whose speed you want to change.
  2. To show the speed controls, click the Speed button.
  3. Choose either Slow or Fast from the Speed pop-up menu, and click a speed button to set the speed.

How can I make my old MacBook faster?

19 ways to make your Mac run faster right now

  1. Remove apps you don’t use anymore.
  2. Free up hard drive space if you have an older Mac.
  3. Run Monolingual to delete the extra language files you don’t use.
  4. Buy a solid state drive.
  5. Close memory-hogging processes.
  6. The same goes for apps.
  7. Close unused tabs in your browser.
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