
Why mercury is found in liquid state?

Why mercury is found in liquid state?

The electrons in mercury atom are bound more tightly than usual to the nucleus. The s electrons are moving so fast and close to the nucleus. Mercury is reluctant to form bonds and shows low melting point. So Hg exists in liquid state unlike other D-block elements.

Why is mercury a liquid Class 12?

According to this configuration of mercury, we see that all the subshells are completely filled due to which it resists the removal of an electron. This makes mercury similar to noble gas elements. Therefore, mercury forms a very weak bond and exists as liquid in room temperature.

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Is mercury the only liquid element?

Mercury is the only elemental metal that is liquid at room temperature. (Cesium melts at about 28.5 °C [83 °F], gallium at about 30 °C [86 °F], and rubidium at about 39 °C [102 °F].) Mercury is silvery white, slowly tarnishes in moist air, and freezes into a soft solid like tin or lead at −38.83 °C (−37.89 °F).

How does mercury attract gold?

Mercury and gold have a thing for each other. When combined, they attract and bind in a process called amalgamation. When the prill is heated, the mercury vaporizes and leaves behind a nugget of porous gold, often referred to as sponge gold.

Why mercury is called Quicksilver?

The symbol Hg that mercury is known by comes from its Greek name, hydrargyrum, which means “liquid silver” — to reflect its shiny surface. The element is also known as quicksilver for its mobility. Named after the fastest-moving planet in the solar system, mercury has been known to humanity for ages.

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Is mercury a liquid at 0 degrees?

Mercury is the only metal which is liquid at 0^oC .

Is mercury is a liquid at room temperature?

Mercury is both a liquid at room temperature (as it has a very low melting point of -39C) and a metal.

Why does Mercury kill you?

Mercury can kill you. It is rare that immediate exposure to mercury is fatal. Serious health effects from mercury are more likely due to long-term exposure.

Why is mercury used as a thermometric liquid?

Sol: There are many reasons for using mercury as a thermometric liquid, here are listed a few: Mercury has high melting and boiling points making it a liquid over a broad range of temperature. Since it is a metal, it has a stable coefficient of expansion hence it expands uniformly and noticeably for a slight change of temperature.

Why is the element mercury a liquid at room temperature?

Mercury is a liquid because it doesn’t share its electrons with other mercury atoms very well.

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  • The large number of protons in the atomic nucleus attracts the electrons in what is called lanthanide contraction.
  • The filled 4f-subshell only poorly shields the 6s shell,drawing the valence electrons closer to the nucleus than in other metals.