
Why permanent magnets are not used in motors?

Why permanent magnets are not used in motors?

The reason that permanent magnets are not used widely is because they are not suited to motors that drive loads with extremely high torques. Also there is little control over the field produced by a permanent magnet.

Can permanent magnets be used in generators?

For some applications, the magnetic field of the generator may be provided by permanent magnets. The rotor structure can consist of a ring of magnetic iron with magnets mounted on its surface.

Why is permanent magnet not used in synchronous generators *?

Rotor (field) is a rotating electromagnet. Field excitation of the alternator needs to be changed frequently (which is done using AVR) in order to keep the terminal voltage constant and to control the reactive power flow. Hence, permanent magnets are not used in power plant generators.

Are permanent magnets used in AC motors?

A permanent magnet (PM) motor is an ac motor that uses magnets imbedded into or attached to the surface of the motor’s rotor. Controlling the speed of ac motors is accomplished using a variable frequency drive (VFD) in most cases.

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Why do we use permanent magnets in generators?

A permanent magnet generator is a device that converts mechanical energy to electrical energy. In this device the rotor windings have been replaced with permanent magnets. This eliminates the excitation losses in the rotor, which otherwise typically represent 20 to 30 percent of the total generator losses.

Does a generator use magnets?

Generators are based on the connection between magnetism, motion and electricity. Generators typically use an electromagnet, which is created by electricity and a rapidly spinning turbine to produce massive amounts of current. When the magnet spins, it induces a tiny current in each part of the wire coil.

Why don t alternators use permanent magnets?

In an alternator the field coils (electromagnets) rotate while the stator where the output is generated is stationary, permanent magnets will be considerably heavier than electromagnets and as it is better too keep rotating parts as light as possible electromagnets are used.

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Where are permanent magnets used?

Permanent magnets are used in hard drives, motors, cars, generators, televisions, phones, headphones, speakers, transducers, sensors etc. The most common use of a magnet is the pulling force to attract other magnetic items but it has various functions in electronic tools as well.

Which magnet is used in generator?

The electricity going through the wire produces a magnetic field. While the electric current is flowing, the core acts as a strong magnet. Electromagnets are used in many generators and power plants.