
Why phosphorus can form PCl5 but nitrogen Cannot form NCl5?

Why phosphorus can form PCl5 but nitrogen Cannot form NCl5?

It is visible that the phosphorous atom has d-orbitals, therefore this hybridization is possible and hence, this compound is possible. Thus, it is a stable molecule. Therefore, Phosphorus forms but nitrogen does not form .

Why is it not possible for nitrogen to form NCl5?

Nitrogen atom do not have vacant d-orbitals. Thus, the transfer of electron does not takes place. As a result nitrogen atom show maximum three unpaired electron. Thats why nitrogen atom does not form NCl5 but forms NCl3.

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Why phosphorus can form compounds PCl3 and PCl5 but nitrogen can only form NCl3?

There is no vacant d-orbital in the outermost orbit of Nitrogen. There are valent d-orbitals in the outer most orbit of phosphorus and hence it shows variable covalence 3 and 5 in ground state and excited state respectively. Hence nitrogen forms only NCl3 but phosphorus forms PCl3 and PCl5 both.

Why nitrogen Cannot form nf5 while phosphorus can form pf5?

The p-Block Elements. Explain why phosphorus forms PF5 while nitrogen does not form NF5. Nitrogen is small in size and it cannot stabilize five flourine but phosphorus can stabilize five fluorine atom because of larger in size and it also have vacant d- orbitals. So due to having extra space phosphorus form PF5 .

Why nitrogen does not form Pentahalides like phosphorus?

Nitrogen does not form pentahalide due to nonavailability of the d-orbitals in its valence shell.

Why nitrogen does not form Pentahalides where phosphorus?

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Nitrogen cannot increase its coordination number beyond four due to the absence of d-orbitals in its valence shell. Phosphorus forms pentahalides because it has vacant d-orbitals to extend its octet.

Can NCl5 be formed?

Phosphorus forms PCl5 while nitrogen cannot form NCl5 .

Why does nitrogen form N2 and phosphorus as P4?

pπ – pπ bonding in nitrogen is strong hence it can form triple bond with another N. Single N−N bond is weaker than P−P bond due to high interionic repulsion of non-bonding electrons. Hence, N=N is stable and P2 is not.

Why does nitrogen not form nx5?

1. Nitrogen’s outer shell cannot contain more than eight electrons. 2. Nitrogen cannot have an oxidation state of +5.

Do nitrogen forms pentoxide but it does not form Pentachloride Why?

Nitrogen does not form pentachloride because it does not possess d-orbitals. Nitrogen has the electronic configuration as 1s22s23p3. Thus, its valence shell has s and p orbitals only.

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Why nitrogen can’t form Pentahalides?

The nitrogen valence shell is L –shell. L shell doesn’t hold d-orbitals, so Nitrogen doesn’t have vacant d-orbitals, so it cannot form expanded octet configuration. So, Nitrogen is unable to give pentahalides, Nitrogen only forms trihalides.