
Why staggered lapping is provided?

Why staggered lapping is provided?

For column bending moment at mid point is zero so try to lap at mid point. Lapping should be staggered and alternate. Lap should not be given at same point because buckling may accur. Due to maximum stress we can’t lap at column /beam/ slab joint.

What does staggered mean in construction?

The staggered truss system is a type of structural steel framing used in high-rise buildings. The system consists of a series of story-high trusses spanning the total width between two rows of exterior columns and arranged in a staggered pattern on adjacent column lines.

What is the purpose of lapping of reinforcement?

Lap length can be defined as the length that is provided so as to allow the overlapping of two reinforcement bars thereby ensuring safe and efficient transfer of load from one bar to another. When the reinforcement bars are placed; the length of a single reinforcement bar may not be sufficient.

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Why do we use joggle in columns?

To prevent the buckling of the RCC structure. 2. To resist the lateral loads with a given factor of safety.

What is staggered pattern?

“Staggered” refers to a pattern of installing the tile so that the tiles’ natural shape is the edge of the area rather than the tile being cut to make a straight edge. This look embodies an “unfinished” style that is at once both casual and refined, with an opportunity to showcase the craft of tile installation.

What staggered basis?

2to arrange a series of payments, deliveries etc so that they do not all happen at the same timeThe loan repayments were staggered over a long period. The remaining aircraft will be delivered on a staggered basis by the year 2025.

What is lapping in reinforced concrete?

A lap is when two pieces of reinforcing bar (rebar) are overlapped to create a continuous line of rebar. The length of the lap varies depend on concrete strength, the rebar grade, size, and spacing.