
Why the paying of Khums is important for Muslims?

Why the paying of Khums is important for Muslims?

Khums (Shi’a Islam) It is the sixth of the Ten Obligatory Acts of Shi’a Islam. Shi’a Muslims pay this tax because the Qur’an says: Know that whatever of a thing you acquire, a fifth of it is for Allah, for the Messenger, for the near relative, and the orphans, the needy, and the wayfarer (Surah 8:41) .

Where do I send Khums?

InshāʾAllāh, we pray that every dollar given toward this cause is rewarded infinitely as ṣadaqah jāriyah! For khums donations larger than $500, please mail us a check to avoid transaction fees. Checks can be mailed to Kisa Kids at 4415 Fortran Ct, San Jose, CA 95134.

How do you count Khums?


  1. Savings end of the year $
  2. Annual business profits & assets $
  3. Unused gifts (in a full year) $
  4. Unused items (in a full year) $
  5. Any other income $
  6. Remainder on last years savings on which khums was already paid $
  7. Total profit 0.
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What are the 10 obligatory acts?

Ten Obligatory Acts of Shi’a Islam

  • Salat.
  • Nahil Anril Munkar.
  • Amr-bil-Maroof.
  • Khums.
  • Zakat.
  • Tabarra.
  • Hajj.
  • Tawalia.

Why are Khums important?

Khums became a major source of income and financial independence for the clergy in Shia regions. This practice has continued among Shia Muslims. It is narrated in Kitab al-Kafi that Imam Musa al-Kadhim would accept one dirham from the people, although he was one of the wealthiest in the city of Medina, to purify them.

What does jizya mean in Islam?

jizyah, also spelled jizya, historically, a tax (the term is often incorrectly translated as a “head tax” or “poll tax”) paid by non-Muslim populations to their Muslim rulers.

Why is Khums important?

Can Shias have tattoos?

Shia Islam Shia Ayatollahs Ali al-Sistani and Ali Khamenei believe there are no authoritative Islamic prohibitions on tattoos. The Quran does not mention tattoos or tattooing at all. Grand Ayatollah Sadiq Hussaini Shirazi ruled: “Tattoos are considered Makruh (disliked and discouraged).

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Does Shia pay zakat?

Shias, unlike Sunnis, traditionally regarded zakat as a private and voluntary action, and they give zakat to imam-sponsored rather than state-sponsored collectors.

Why is the hajj important?

Why do Muslims go on Hajj? The Hajj pilgrimage is an obligation that should be completed at least once in all able Muslims lives. It is also believed that the journey allows Muslims to wipe away any sins and wipe the slate clean in front of Allah (SWT).