
Why was Loki not supposed to escape?

Why was Loki not supposed to escape?

In the show, Judge Renslayer said that everything the Avengers did while time traveling was supposed to happen. That means that Tony getting hit by Hulk was supposed to happen, which means that the tesseract falling at Loki’s feet was supposed to happen.

Where did Loki go with the Tesseract in Endgame?

The new Loki trailer shows that after he makes off with the Tesseract in Avengers: Endgame, he winds up in the middle of the Gobi desert in Mongolia.

What happened to the timeline Loki?

However, the Time Keepers feel the action of 2012-timeline Loki (escaping with the Tesseract) to be inappropriate, and he’s marked as a Variant. In the Prime MCU timeline, Loki was arrested, and he dies eventually at the hands of Thanos.

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Does the new Loki series take place after endgame?

Loki takes place after Avengers: Endgame, which saw Loki steal the Tesseract during the 2012 events of The Avengers (2012) and unwittingly create an alternate timeline from the main MCU films.

Where does Loki pick up?

They get the first two, but in the fracas to accomplish the third part of the time heist, Loki spots the Tesseract rolling away, picks it up, and vanishes. But where’d he go? That’s precisely what Loki answers out of the gate: Still in 2012, he’s been zapped away to the Gobi Desert, Mongolia.

What happened to Loki in Endgame?

Despite his death at the start of Avengers: Infinity War, Loki reappeared in Endgame as part of the team’s time heist. When Tony Stark, Scott Lang, Steve Rogers and Bruce Banner/Hulk travel back to the battle of New York in 2012, their interference means that the then-alive Loki is able to escape with the Space Stone.

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What would happen if Loki took the Space Stone?

“Loki, when he teleports away with the Time Stone, would create his own timeline. It gets very complicated, but it would be impossible for [Cap] to rectify the timeline unless he found Loki. “The minute that Loki does something as dramatic as take the Space Stone, he creates a branched reality.”

Why did Captain America take Loki’s time stone?

“The intent was that he was going to correct the past timelines at the point that the stones left,” Joe Russo told Business Insider. “Loki, when he teleports away with the Time Stone, would create his own timeline. It gets very complicated, but it would be impossible for [Cap] to rectify the timeline unless he found Loki.

Could Loki’s time stone change the timeline?

Loki, when he teleports away with the Time Stone, would create his own timeline. It gets very complicated, but it would be impossible for [Cap] to rectify the timeline unless he found Loki. The minute that Loki does something as dramatic as take the Space Stone, he creates a branched reality.”