
Why was the Iron Age of South India known as megalithic age?

Why was the Iron Age of South India known as megalithic age?

When North India went through the Chalcolithic period, it was the phase of Iron Age culture in South India. The Iron Age predated the Sangam Age; however the later part of Iron Age culture moved in tandem with the Sangam age and is referred to as the Megalithic culture in the Deccan and South India.

How did the advent of iron bring a change to Indian civilization?

The use of equipment such as iron axe was used for cutting forests and expanding the area under agriculture. Increasing agriculture supported more population and helped the civilization to grow. Development of trade and commerce activities was very central to the development of later Vedic civilization.

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When did Iron Age started in India?

India’s Iron Age emerged in an era of transition known as the Vedic period, lasting from approximately 1500 to 600 BCE. The Vedic period covers both the end of the Bronze Age following the collapse of the Harappan civilization around 1400 CE and the start of the Iron Age.

What were the main features of the Iron Age in South India?

The Iron Age in South India is associated with megalith burials (generally burials among stones in graveyards’ separated from areas of habitation), a custom prevalent from the fifth to first century BC. ADVERTISEMENTS: The megaliths are mostly found in eastern Andhra and Tamil Nadu.

Why was the megalithic period called Iron Age?

Therefore, the term “the megalithic age” or “culture” was widespread in literature. In the light of current knowledge it seems more appropriate to use the term “the Iron Age culture”. That is because the presence and abundance of iron implements in that cultural horizon is prevailing.

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Which megalithic site was located in the Tamil Nadu?


Sl.No. Name of the Site District
1 Megalithic Cists and Cairns in S.No.222 Tiruvallur
2 Virgin group containg many barrows Tiruvallur
3 Megalithic Cists and Cairns Kanchipuram
4 Megalithic Cists Tiruvallur

Which period is known as Iron Age?

The Iron Age was a period in human history that started between 1200 B.C. and 600 B.C., depending on the region, and followed the Stone Age and Bronze Age. During the Iron Age, people across much of Europe, Asia and parts of Africa began making tools and weapons from iron and steel.

What is the difference between Stone Age and Iron Age?

Generally, the Stone Age is considered to end between 8000 and 2000 BC, again depending on where you are discussing. After the Stone Age came the Bronze Age, when bronze (a mixture of copper and tin) became common. The Iron Age is considered to have lasted between 1200 BC and 800 AD, depending on the region.

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Which period is known as Iron Age in South Indian history?

The history of southern India covers a span of over four thousand years during which the region saw the rise and fall of a number of dynasties and empires. The period of known history of the region begins with the Iron Age (1200 BCE to 24 BCE) period until the 15th century CE.

Which of the following country is known for its stone Bronze and Iron Age arts?

In Ancient Egypt , the Bronze Age began in the Protodynastic period circa 3,150 BCE. The hallmarks of ancient Egyptian civilization, such as art, architecture, and many aspects of religion, took shape during the Early Dynastic period and lasted until about 2,686 BCE.