
Why would a 30 year old get shingles?

Why would a 30 year old get shingles?

A weakened immune system can occur due to age. But in younger adults, the immune system can be compromised by acute or chronic illness or extreme stress. People who are immunocompromised have a higher risk of developing shingles regardless of age.

What does it mean if you keep getting shingles?

Recurrent bouts of shingles are often associated with immune system problems that occur with aging or as a result of a medical condition or treatment. One of the best ways to prevent future attacks is to get the shingles vaccine.

Can a 30 year old get the shingles vaccine?

Yes. Shingrix can be administered to anyone age 50 years and older regardless of where they reside, unless they have a contraindication to vaccination.

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Can a 40 year old get shingles?

A weakened immune system can be part of the aging process. That’s why shingles tends to be more common in people older than 50. The risk of shingles continues to increase as people age. Some experts estimate that half the people who live to age 85 will get shingles at some point.

Can I get the shingles vaccine at age 40?

They should get the vaccine whether or not they recall having had chickenpox, which is caused by the same virus as shingles. Studies show that more than 99\% of Americans aged 40 and older have had chickenpox, even if they don’t remember getting the disease. There is no maximum age for getting shingles vaccine.

How do you prevent shingles from coming back?

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that adults age 50 and older get vaccinated against shingles. Two vaccines, recombinant zoster vaccine (RZV, Shingrix) and zoster vaccine live (ZVL, Zostavax) are available in the United States to prevent shingles. Shingrix is the preferred vaccine.

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Which virus causes shingles?

People get shingles when the varicella zoster virus, which causes chickenpox, reactivates in their bodies after they have already had chickenpox.

Can shingles be recurring?

If you’ve had shingles once, you probably won’t get it again. That doesn’t mean it can’t happen, it’s just unlikely. Also called herpes zoster, shingles can come back a second or, rarely, a third time. But you can take steps to help prevent it, or ease it the next time around.