
Will the UK lose free healthcare?

Will the UK lose free healthcare?

British nationals who have retired to EU countries including Spain and France will no longer have their healthcare covered by the NHS in the event of no Brexit deal, the government has said.

Can people from the EU use the NHS?

If you are a citizen of an EU country, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein or Switzerland, and were living lawfully in the UK on or before 31 December 2020, you will be able to use the NHS in England.

Is the NHS viable?

The National Audit Office (NAO) has concluded that the current NHS system is not financially sustainable. NAO work also highlights that previous funding boosts have been spent on dealing with immediate, short-term pressures, with less devoted to the changes required for long-term sustainability.

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Is EHIC valid after Brexit?

As part of the deal announced on 24 December 2020, the UK and the EU agreed that the cards can still be used until their expiry dates. After that, the government will issue a new Global Heath Insurance Card (GHIC) which will replace the EHIC for the majority of UK citizens.

Can we afford NHS?

Yes, it concludes, the NHS will still be affordable in 2030 and it could increase its share of GDP by almost a fifth. The OBR says spending could rise to 8.8\% by 2030, an annual real-terms increase of 3.5\% a year, still less than the NHS’s 4\% average increase since 1948.

Can I use NHS if I live in France?

You can apply to be covered by the French healthcare system (Protection Universelle Maladie or ‘ PUMa ‘) if you’ve been a resident in France for at least 3 months. If you’re employed in France, you can apply as soon as you start work. You’ll have access to state healthcare on the same basis as a French citizen.

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Is my EHIC still valid after Brexit?

Is my EHIC still valid after Brexit? Yes, you can still use a UK-issued EHIC after Brexit. If you’re a UK resident not insured by another EU country, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein or Switzerland, you should apply for a GHIC once your EHIC expires.