
Would T Rex make a good pet?

Would T Rex make a good pet?

A dinosaur workshop delivered by one of the fossil experts at Everything Dinosaur certainly helped, as the children learned that although the likes of Tyrannosaurus rex and Triceratops were most certainly a bad idea when it came to pet selection, some types of dinosaur, especially the small, feathery, fast-running ones …

Can Trex be tamed?

The Tyrannosaurus Rex, for instance, could have been prone to a specific disease that would render it impossible to co-exist alongside humans. The disease, in this case, could prove impossible and intractable to maintain or tame the animal in an environment controlled by man.

What would it be like to be eaten by at Rex?

rex would pretty much pulverize you. “You’d be pierced and crushed from both sides as these jaws clamp down,” Holtz says. “They would smash all the way through the bones and crush them. You’d be dying from massive shock pretty quickly.”

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How old can a T rex live up to?

Growth spurts and extinction Tyrannosaurus rex had a life expectancy of about 28 years. Previous studies have suggested that it went through a growth spurt in its teenage years, but until recently, scientists didn’t know much about how it grew from a hatchling to a powerful predator.

Can you have a pet dinosaur?

Dinosaurs are immensely popular with both children and adults alike. Surely at some point, young people have imagined what it would be like to have a dinosaur as a pet. Thanks to the exotic pet trade, you can actually own dinosaur look-alikes, and in some cases, actual close relatives of dinosaurs.

Which dinosaur would have made the best pet?

So what’s the psittacosaurus like? Aside from being the cutest thing you’ve ever seen, it’s partly the size of these creatures from the early Cretaceous period – about 120-100 million years ago – which makes them such ideal pets.

Can you befriend a dinosaur?

You can tame certain animals simply by feeding them from your hotbar. You’ll recognise these creatures by the onscreen prompt that appears above them whenever you’re nearby. If no message appears, then you’ll need to try a more violent approach to taming. This involves knocking the animal out first.

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Can rexes break stone?


Would a dinosaur eat a human?

T. rex surely would have been able to eat people. There are fossil bite marks, matching the teeth of T. rex, on the bones of Triceratops and duck-billed dinosaurs such as Edmontosaurus, which were both over 50 times heavier than an average person.

What is the longest living dinosaur?

When Supersaurus was alive about 150 million years ago during the Jurassic period, it exceeded 128 feet (39 meters) and possibly even reached 137 feet (42 m) from snout to tail, Curtice’s new research found.

What dinosaur has the longest lifespan?

T. rex
rex, nicknamed “Scotty” in honor of a celebratory toast of scotch raised upon its discovery, the biggest member of its species ever found, but it also holds the distinction of being the longest-lived T. rex identified in the fossil record to date.

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Does a T-Rex give birth or hatch from eggs?

Neither. T. rex is extinct, so it does not give birth or hatch from eggs. There are no more T. rex living, so they don’t reproduce.

Did Allosaurus and Tyrannosaurus rex lay their eggs?

When it comes to large predators like Allosaurus and Tyrannosaurus Rex, the fossil record yields a complete blank: in the absence of any evidence to the contrary, the going assumption is that these dinosaurs simply laid their eggs and forgot about them.

How did Tyrannosaurus rex reproduce?

There are no more T. rex living, so they don’t reproduce. If you are talking about 65 million years ago, then it’s most likely that Tyrannosaurs, like T. rex, were hatched from eggs, although as far as I know, no eggs directly associated with the species T. rex have ever been identified.

Did dinosaurs lay eggs or give birth?

Well, consider this: until the 1920s, scientists weren’t even sure if dinosaurs laid eggs (like modern reptiles and birds) or gave birth to live young (like mammals ).