
Are all periodic motion simple harmonic motion?

Are all periodic motion simple harmonic motion?

Also, all simple harmonic motions are periodic in nature, but all periodic motions are not simple harmonic motions.

Is every periodic motion a simple harmonic motion give example to justify your answer?

Give example. Yes , every periodic motion need not be simple harmonic motion. The motion of the earth round the sun is a periodic motion, but not simple harmonic motion as the back and forth motion is not taking place .

Which of the following is not a SHM?

The motion of a planet around the sun is a periodic motion but not a simple harmonic motion.

What do you mean by simple harmonic motion is EVery periodic motion simple harmonic explain?

In mechanics and physics, simple harmonic motion (sometimes abbreviated SHM ) is a special type of periodic motion where the restoring force on the moving object is directly proportional to the magnitude of the object’s displacement and acts towards the object’s equilibrium position.

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Are all periodic motions simple harmonic explain and give an example of a periodic motion that is not simple harmonic 3 pts?

The motion of the hands of a clock or the motion of the planets and satellites are periodic in nature. But as these motions do not satisfy the above conditions, they cannot be called simple harmonic. So it can be said that all simple harmonic motions are periodic but all periodic motions are not simple harmonic.

What is required for periodic motion to be considered a harmonic motion?

What conditions must be met to produce SHM? The restoring force must be proportional to the displacement and act opposite to the direction of motion with no drag forces or friction. The frequency of oscillation does not depend on the amplitude.

Why does a periodic motion be called harmonic motion?

Princeton University’s WordNet defines simple harmonic motion as “periodic motion in which the restoring force is proportional to the displacement.” Periodic means that the motion repeats at a constant, predictable rate. SHM also describes the motion of a ball hanging from a spring.

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What are some examples of motion that are periodic but not simple harmonic motion?

The motion of a planet around the sun is a periodic motion but not a simple harmonic motion. All other given motions are the examples of simple harmonic motion.