
Are codes for construction materials?

Are codes for construction materials?

List of referred Indian Standard Codes for civil engineers

  • IS: 456 – code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete.
  • IS: 383 – specifications for fine and coarse aggregate from natural sources for concrete.
  • IS: 2386 – methods of tests for aggregate for concrete. (
  • IS: 2430 – methods of sampling.

How is concrete wastage calculated?

For RCC works the wastage is 2.5\% for reinforcement rods above 36mm dia. and 5\% for rods below 36mm dia. including overlaps, if they are not welded. If welding is adopted for the reinforcement rods even for below 36mm dia, 2.5\% of wastage is recommended.

Is code for allowable wastage?

Construction works are measured according to IS code 1200, but the allowable waste percentage is nowhere explained. There are no IS codes to evaluate waste. Permissible wastes for major construction materials are listed below for evaluation according to practical experience.

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What is material code?

A Material Code defines the requirements of design, fabrication, use of material, test and inspection of the components, parts and systems.

What is construction wastage?

Waste is any incompetence that results in use of tools, material, labor, equipment and the capital in larger amount than those measured as essential for the construction. Also waste comprises of material losses and excessive work, produces extra cost to the project but does not add value to the product (Koskela, 1992).

Is code for wastage of construction material?

How do you calculate construction waste?

Calculate the waste generated by the project according to the following equation: Project construction waste = Total waste – (Recycled waste * 0.25) To convert volume to weight, assume 500 pounds per cubic yard (296 kg per cubic meter) of mixed construction waste, or use Table 2 to calculate the weights of specific …

How the wastage of concrete can be minimized during the concreting operation?

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The wastage of concrete can be reduced by proper planning of pour. In such situations, the supervisor should inform the batching plant operator to pause the concrete production and supply. If concrete is produced in excess amount, it can be used elsewhere to avoid extra wastage.