
Are there student discounts for trains in Italy?

Are there student discounts for trains in Italy?

Discounts are only valid on national trains and do not include regional trains. The Green Card wins over the Interrail or Eurail Passes if you’re a student or young person spending a year in Italy and intend to do some travelling both in Italy or neighbouring countries.

Can Eurail Pass be used in UK?

The Eurail Global Pass is the flexible and budget-friendly way to get around up to 33 countries in Europe, including Great Britain.

Can UK citizens still use Interrail?

If you’re a UK citizen, you can still travel with an Interrail Pass – this won’t change as a result of the Brexit. Interrail travellers from outside the UK will continue to be able to use their Interrail Pass to travel in the UK, too.

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Is Eurail first class worth it?

If you’re seeking comfort, serenity, and deluxe amenities — you’ll have to leave international spy intrigue to the cinema — then 1st class usually remains the best option. Depending on the route, you’ll find that the extra amenities may make 1st class worth the upgrade.

What countries are included in a Eurail Pass?

Here’s the full list of the 33 countries currently serviced by Eurail: Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Montenegro, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Norway.

What is the difference between Eurail and InterRail?

Eurail Passes are only for non-European citizens or residents. InterRail Passes are only for European citizens or residents.

Does Eurail cover London to Paris?

If you are planning to travel only between London and Paris you may wish to buy a regular, single train ticket, known as a point-to-point ticket. If you’d like to travel by train along additional routes and extend your trip beyond Paris, then a Eurail Pass will make your journeys a whole lot easier.

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What is the difference between Eurail and Interrail?

Can non Europeans use Interrail?

Yes. Even if you are not citizen of the EU, you can buy and travel with an Interrail pass. For example citizens of Russia, Ukraine, Turkey. If you have a non-EU/non-European passport but your country of residence is in Europe (for studies, work, etc), you are allowed to buy an Interrail pass.

What is the difference between 1st and 2nd class on Eurorail?

The difference between 1st and 2nd class rail travel is the level of comfort and the facilities provided. A 1st class Eurail Pass is more expensive than a 2nd class Eurail Pass, but it also gives you access to seats with more space and extras that can even include food and beverages.