
Are walkie-talkies legal in Switzerland?

Are walkie-talkies legal in Switzerland?

1 Answer. Yes, you can use PMR446 walkie-talkies in Switzerland. Usage of PMR446 in Europe is licensed on a country-by-country basis and not mainly by the EU. You can get an up to date list of European countries allowing PMR446 usage and a summary of national deviations from the European Communications Office.

Are walkie-talkies legal in Europe?

The short answer is: No, it’s not legal to use a U.S.-purchased FRS (Family Radio Service) or GMRS (General Mobile Radio Service) in Europe. That’s because European nations have allocated their radio frequencies in a way that’s different from the United States.

Who uses PMR446?

Use worldwide PMR446 radios use frequencies that in Australia, the U.S., and Canada are allocated to amateur radio operators, and military radar systems. Instead, the U.S., Canada and Mexico use the FRS system, which provides a similar service on different frequencies, around 462 and 467 MHz.

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Can walkie talkies work across the country?

No difference whatsoever EXCEPT licensing. In the USA there are around 16 FRS (Family Radio Service ) frequencies which are set aside for recreational use, are limited to .

Can walkie-talkies work across the country?

Do walkie-talkies work everywhere?

Walkie-talkies are wireless, hand-held radios that are small enough to take just about anywhere. Walkie-talkies are battery-powered transceivers, meaning they can both send and receive radio messages.

Do you need a licence to use walkie-talkies?

Do you need a radio licence? Yes, unless your two way radio operates on a pre-programmed, licence free frequency approved by Ofcom (within the band 446.0 to 446.1 MHz). Licence free radios (commonly referred to as walkie talkies) don’t usually provide the coverage or features that a business requires, however.

Are all PMR446 radios compatible?

Use licence-free radios for business or personal use on any of eight UHF frequencies, both in the UK and across the European Union. …