
Can astronauts have a tattoo?

Can astronauts have a tattoo?

NASA currently has no rules against astronauts having visible tattoos. Recently the navy has slackened their rules regarding visible tattoos. The Air Force allows a tattoo to cover up to 25\% of the body part shown in uniform.

Can astronauts wear piercings?

The only limit to it would be that they can’t wear them while in a spacesuit. (Gloves are pressurized. A ring could be damaged, or damage the suit, or even damage the astronaut’s finger.) Ken Mattingly rather famously lost his ring on Apollo 16.

Can astronauts grow beards?

Ergo, no beards for pilot astronaut types. Just to expand on what Eugene said. In the military we are not allowed to have a beard. One of the reasons is that when wearing a gas mask, it may not allow for a proper seal.

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Can astronauts have glasses?

Yes you can be an astronaut with glasses. If you have perfect vision with glasses, then there is no problem.

Can you be an astronaut with a criminal record?

According to NASA this is the first time that an active-duty astronaut has been charged with a felony. The agency is currently implementing a security upgrade that will require all employees to have a NACI background investigation, also known as a National Agency Check with Inquiries.

Can you go to space without permission?

Any American citizen who wants to launch a rocket or other kind of spacecraft into orbit must obtain authorization from the FAA, as would any foreigner who launches within U.S. territory. The FAA regulates the commercial sector’s space activities by requiring parties to obtain launch and re-entry licenses.

Do you need to wear a bra in space?

They don’t need the support, but the bra keeps their wobbly bits in place while floating around in microgravity. They also like having an extra layer between said bits and the cameras all over the space station.

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Is there a weight limit to be an astronaut?

Aside from being in excellent health, prospective astronauts must meet the following requirements: — Measure between 149.5 cm and 190.5 cm (4-10 and 6-3), and weigh between 50 and 95 kilograms (110 and 209 pounds). — Have 20/20 vision, or better, in each eye, with or without correction.