
Can hydrocephalus be misdiagnosed?

Can hydrocephalus be misdiagnosed?

The Hydrocephalus Association estimates that nearly 700,000 adults have normal pressure hydrocephalus, but it is often misdiagnosed as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease. In fact, less than 20 percent of people with the disease are properly diagnosed.

How long can hydrocephalus untreated?

Survival in untreated hydrocephalus is poor. Approximately, 50\% of the affected patients die before three years of age and approximately 80\% die before reaching adulthood. Treatment markedly improves the outcome for hydrocephalus not associated with tumors, with 89\% and 95\% survival in two case studies.

How often should a brain shunt be checked?

All younger patients with a shunt should probably be encouraged to seek a neurosurgical check up at least every three years, ideally at a dedicated hydrocephalus follow up clinic.

Does hydrocephalus show up on MRI?

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MRI scans can show enlarged ventricles caused by excess cerebrospinal fluid. They can also be used to identify causes of hydrocephalus or other conditions contributing to the symptoms.

Can you see hydrocephalus on CT scan?

CT scans and MRI scans are often used in combination to confirm a diagnosis of hydrocephalus present from birth (congenital) and hydrocephalus that develops later in children and adults (acquired). These scan the brain in detail.

Can I drive with hydrocephalus?

Many people with spina bifida or hydrocephalus learn to drive and continue driving for many years without any difficulty at all. But for some, the effect of the conditions on their ability to process information, remember and plan their actions can make driving a challenge.

Does hydrocephalus cause fatigue?

Hydrocephalus can be the cause of headaches as well as some loss of both coordination and balance, seizures, and impaired vision. Another of the physical symptoms is also sleepiness, although many have difficulty falling and staying asleep due to headaches or pain.