
Can I change intraday trade to delivery?

Can I change intraday trade to delivery?

To convert your position from Intraday to Delivery you can go to the Trades section and click on the Positions tab. Equity stocks bought as Intraday today can be converted to Delivery by navigating to Trades–> Positions and convert position from Intraday to Delivery.

Can I convert option to delivery?

Your question answer yes, you can do that before square off time if you want your position in intraday to need to be changed to delivery. But when you need to change to delivery you need to have a sufficient balance of your own to keep the shares in your account for the next day.

What happens when we convert intraday to delivery?

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In order to convert the Intraday trade into delivery an additional hold on funds will be required (since intraday trade require only 15-20 \% margin amount where are delivery trade requires 100 \% funds) i.e. to hold the fund amount equal to the full trade value.

Can I convert my intraday to delivery in Zerodha?

You will be allowed to convert MIS positions to CNC/NRML only if you have sufficient margins in your account. To convert MIS to CNC/NRML and vice versa, open the ‘Positions’ tab in Kite. Click on the ‘Options’ button and click on convert.

Can I convert intraday to delivery in SBI smart?

SBISMART MONEY allows trading in NSE Cash, NSE Future & Option, NSE Currency and BSE Cash. It allows you to trade in Normal, Intraday and Delivery.

Can I convert delivery to Intraday in Paytm money?

Yes you can convert Intraday position to Delivery or vice-versa if you have enough margin available.

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Can I convert Intraday to delivery in SBI smart?

How do I convert intraday to Ventura?

To convert an intraday trade, go to the ‘POSITION’ window in the bottom left side, click on the open position and convert it to delivery. Note that all intraday positions are auto squared-off starting at 3:10 PM if they are not closed by the trader.

How can I convert Emargin to delivery?

If you want to convert the ‘E-margin’ position on ‘T+1’ to ‘T+275 day or as applicable, you have to go to ‘Open Position Book’ and click on ‘Convert to Delivery’ (C2D) option and enter the quantity to be converted. Once the funds paying is done, C2D process will get completed.